Hey, all. Although I'm just a mere inquirer, I've been talking to my father (Pentecostal background) about Orthodoxy and the conversations have been very edifying so far and he wants to look more into it! I told him I've got an Orthodox Study Bible, and he's interested in one but his primary language is spanish and he doesn't do nearly as well with english. Is there an OSB in spanish? If not, then what's the next best resource for him for a bible commentary in spanish from an Orthodox background?

This newer edition of the King James Bible published in 1769 is usually preferred by most that read it over the older 1611 version. This 1769 edition is highly sought after due to being more reader/listener friendly than the 1611 since many typos were fixed.... We hope your new audio bible will go everywhere with you and be a blessing for years to come.

Holy Bible In Spanish Free Download

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://urluss.com/2y4Dg3 🔥

I am trying to determine if there is a spanish translation of the New King James available in Logos 4 Mac. I cannot seem to find it on the site or through my home page. if it is available, how do I purchase and download?

Gregory ... in Logos, a Bilingual Bible isn't really needed, since it's easiest enough to simply put an english version (NKJV) in one window, and a spanish version next to it, and then hook them together so they scroll together as you read.

Thanks, I have the NKJV in my LOGOS. I have the Bible Study Level Logos 4 Mac. In looking at the list of Bibles, I do not see a spanish translation. Do I need to purchase it? Or, is it already there for access? If so, how do I find that in Help?

I tried replying to you but posted it instead, I quoted a verse to a spanish speeking friend " No weapon for against you shall prosper" it thrilled her and then I looked it up for her in her Reina version and it did not say the same thing it was when I hear your voice or something like that and it made her think her Catholic Bible wasnt like our protestant Bible. Since I usually read KJ I would like the verses I quote to at least read the same. If you have heard of a KJ translation in Spanish I would live to find one for her. God Bless you and your ministry. (she just got saved)

Because there is nothing in Spanish that comes not even close to the KJV, I love the KJV so much that sometimes i translate from KJV to spanish. I think is the best version that is out there and I'm surprise that no one has thought about it yet... e24fc04721

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