The Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) or Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) or Higher Secondary Education Certificate (HSE) is a secondary education qualification in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan.[1] It is equivalent to the final year of high school in the United States and GCSE and/or A level in the United Kingdom.

In Bangladesh, education is compulsory for 10 years and pupils will receive a secondary school certificate. The HSC is the continuation of the "Secondary Education Courses" and it precedes the " Tertiary Education" governed by the Universities. Class XI - XII roughly covers the 16-17 age group in the context of Bangladesh.[2]

Higher Secondary School Certificate Download


After 10 years of schooling at the primary and secondary level, students who succeed in passing the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examination have the option of joining a college for a two-year higher secondary education in respective areas of specialization or enrolling in a technical or polytechnic institute. After the two-year higher secondary education based on the national curriculum, students will sit the Higher Secondary Certificate public examination conducted by the education boards.

In India, education is compulsory for 10 years and pupils will receive a secondary school certificate. The SSC is conducted at state level by the state boards of education and at the national level by the Central Board of Secondary Education.

After the independence of Bangladesh the Government directly controlled secondary and higher secondary education and nationalized a good number of schools and colleges. The office of the Director of Public Instruction (DPI) was renamed the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE)] in 1981[22][23]

The Senior Secondary Certificate of Education (SSCE) is the graduation certificate awarded to most students in Australian high schools, and is equivalent to the Advance Placement in North America and the GCE A-Levels of the United Kingdom. Students completing the SSCE are usually aged 16 to 18 and study full-time for two years (years 11 and 12 of schooling). In some states adults may gain the certificate through a Technical and Further Education college or other provider.

Students who are applying during their last year of secondary school should clearly state the name of the certificate they expect to receive and when. They should send an official school transcript with the application and send the original or certified copies of the credentials listed below when available. Admissions may request additional credentials as needed.

Please note that all of the below credentials must come with your final secondary school transcript and leaving exam scores if applicable. Also, please be sure to submit copies of all qualifying exams taken throughout secondary school (for example: IGCSE final certificates, Class 10 Secondary School Examination Certificates for India, etc.) as these are also necessary to complete your application.

The following is a listing of required secondary school credentials for students educated outside of the United States. A complete record (all years) of your secondary school education is required for admission into a CUNY college. Educational credentials in a language other than English must be accompanied by an official word-for-word translation on business letterhead. CUNY/UAPC may request additional credentials as needed. Select your country from the list below to view credentials required for admission into a CUNY college.

Information listed on this page is subject to change. If your country is not listed here and/or you do not know the proper secondary school credentials, please contact our Help Desk for Students at

Secondary (high) school diploma or equivalency certificate refers to whether or not a person has completed a high school or secondary school diploma, graduation certificate, or equivalency certificate. Secondary school (high school) diploma or graduation certificate includes academic or vocational high school diplomas or certificates as may be obtained by graduating from a secondary school. High school equivalency certificate includes the successful completion of a high school equivalency test such as the General Educational Development (GED) test, or obtaining an Adult Basic Education (ABE) certificate where it is equivalent to the completion of secondary school.

This variable is used to divide the population into those who have and those who have not completed high school (secondary school). If other educational qualifications above high school are held, this variable may also indicate the highest additional certificate, diploma or degree. 

Persons who obtained trades qualifications from secondary level vocational training programs in the province of Quebec - such as the Diplme d'tudes professionnelles/Diploma of Vocational Studies (DEP/DVS) - are typically included as 'apprenticeship or trades certificates.' Alternatively, they may be included as 'high school diploma or equivalency certificate.' The usage applied in the study should be specified.

The wording of the definition of secondary (high) school diploma or equivalency certificate has been slightly modified, but the meaning is unchanged. The structure of the Classification of combinations of certificates, diplomas and degrees awarded has been slightly modified by adding the aggregate category 'With high school diploma or equivalency certificate, with postsecondary certificate or diploma below bachelor level.'

This standard replaces the recommended standard 'Secondary (high) school diploma or equivalent of person'. The definition now specifically includes high school equivalency certificates, and provides more detail regarding what is included as a high school diploma or equivalency certificate. The standard also includes a new classification showing the completion of a high school diploma or equivalency certificate.

Prior to enrollment, you must have completed secondary school and have earned a certificate of completion that enables you to be admitted to a university in your home country and is equivalent to a U.S. high school diploma.

Use the dropdown selector below to identify the names of certificates, diplomas and other documents that are the equivalent of a U.S. high school diploma. In addition to these international secondary school completion requirements, admission to the University of Michigan-Dearborn is competitive and based on your academic achievements.

EDUCATION INDICATORS: An International PerspectiveIndicator 3: Secondary Education EnrollmentThe structure of upper secondary educationIn the United States, a student's involvement in upper secondary educationtypically ends with graduation from high school at or around age 18. In othercountries, however, because upper secondary education is structured differently, it is harder to pinpoint an age or an accomplishment that marks the end of involvement in secondary education. Thus, as the data from Indicator 3show, upper secondary enrollment rates among people over the age of 19 remainrelatively high for some countries (e.g., Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands,and Switzerland), and tend to decrease after age 15_16 for others (e.g., theUnited Kingdom, Hungary, and the Czech Republic).

Upper secondary school in the United States typically consists of 3 or 4 years of high school. High schools are usually comprehensive, meaning that they do not specialize in one type of program, such as vocational or college preparatory. Students may take some courses in a particular vocational area, although upper secondary school is not generally the time students receive essential training or credentials in vocational areas. On average, 1992 high school graduates earned about 4 credits in vocational courses compared with 17credits in academic courses.1 For both college-bound and non-college-boundstudents, a high school diploma signifies successful completion of uppersecondary education. Students then may continue on to postsecondary educationor enter the workforce. Beyond the age of 18, few people are enrolled in uppersecondary education.

In other countries, upper secondary education can be structured quite differently from the comprehensive, general credential-granting high schools of the United States. In Germany, for instance, the secondary education system isdifferentiated according to students' postsecondary plans (i.e., university,technical school, or employment), beginning with lower secondary school; andstudents may earn credentials in a variety of fields. When students enter uppersecondary school, they enroll in one of three types. Students who plan toattend a universityapproximately 25 percent of youth in a given age cohort2areusually already enrolled in Gymnasien, general academic high schools that prepare students to take the rigorous university entrance examination, the Abitur. Students not attending Gymnasien may enroll in full-time vocational schools, but the vast majority of students enroll in part-time vocational schools to participate inthe dual system.

Because the certification offered by the dual system is a prerequisite for so many fields, not only do large numbers of students enter it directly aftercompleting lower secondary school (i.e., approximately two-thirds of lowersecondary school completers), but significant numbers of students enter it evenafter having earned secondary certification, either in another type ofschooling or in a different occupational field within the dual system. Approximately 90 percent of lower secondary completers participate in the dual system at some point, although not all earn certification.5 Thus, unlike in theUnited States, upper secondary education in Germany offers a variety of credentials necessary for employment in certain occupations. In order to earn those credentials, people outside the typical age range will enroll or re-enroll in upper secondary school. e24fc04721

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