
2024.1.19 The Ho lab joined the MiTalk8 Young Scientist Workshop at Hualien.

2023.12.14 The Ho lab celebrated Han-Wei's publication in Nature Communications! Also, happy birthday to Han-Wei and Tzu-Tien, and welcome Tzu-Yun to join our lab meeting.

2023.12.07 The Ho lab collaborated with Dr. Meng-Chiao Ho, Dr. Ming-Daw Tsai, and their research team at Academia Sinica, applying Cryo-EM to reveal a novel phycobilisome structure. This work has been successfully published in Nature Communications!

2023.10.16 The Ho lab hosted the first Taiwan-Japan Joint Seminar on Photosynthesis Research at NTULS! Thanks Dr. Keisuke Yoshida, Dr. Han-Yi Fu, and Ko Imaizumi for organizing the event with us.

2023.10.13-15 The Ho lab joined Taiwan-Japan Plant Biology Conference.

2023.9.21-22 Ming-Yang and Ting-So presented at the ICTPPO2023 in Japan.

2023.1.20 The Ho Lab joined the MiTalk7 Young Scientist Workshop.

2022.8.27 The Ho Lab joined the 2022 Bacteriology Conference. Congratulations that all of our presenters won awards!

2022.8.18 The Ho Lab had the third photosynthesis joint meeting with Dr. Hsiu-An Chu's (朱修安) and Dr. Han-Yi Fu's (傅瀚儀) groups!

2022.1.20 The Ho Lab participated the MiTalk6 Young Scientist Workshop. Of course we wore face masks!

2021.8 Congratulations on Ting-Shuo's successful undergraduate research achievements: 臺灣大學學士論文院長獎、科技部大專學生研究計畫研究創作獎、生命科學系壁報競賽優等獎

2021.2.4 The Ho Lab had the first photosynthesis joint meeting with Dr. Hsiu-An Chu's (朱修安) group at IPMB, Academia Sinica!

2020.10.18 The Ho Lab participated the 2020 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Microbial Ecology. 

2020.1.20 The Ho Lab celebrated its first Chinese New Year.

2020.1.15 Thank to the efforts from all the lab members, the newly furnished laboratory is now running!