Meet Ms. Blasingame

(Ms. B or Coach B)

Howdy, y'all! 

This is my 12th year serving as an educator for Round Rock ISD and my 8th year at Hopewell Middle School. I currently teach 6th-8th Social Skills Awareness and 7th-grade Inclusion Support.

As a Special Education case manager, I coordinate instruction, deliver academic services, assure compliance with procedural requirements, meet due process standards, and provide social/emotional productivity learning for all students.

On top of case managing and teaching, I am the cheerleading coach for HMS! I consistently strive to create a supporting and encouraging environment for students, while promoting school spirit. 

Education is actually my second career! Prior to teaching, I worked in the social services field, focusing on protecting Texas victims of violent crimes, including child advocacy for the State of Texas.

I hold an M.Ed in Special Education and Curriculum & Instruction with a concentration in Emotional/Behavioral Disorders from Texas State University. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from St. Edward's University where I was a college cheerleader! I am an RRISD alumnus (McNeil HS) and am blessed to give back to my community, serving as a teacher. 

I am a proud momma of two children, former HMS Hornets, who are current students at Stony Point High School. My son, a senior, is a varsity baseball player for SPHS and spends his endless summer months playing select ball, as well as, working with the Round Rock Express baseball team. My daughter, a junior, is an All-American Cheerleader (UCA/NCA) and a member of SPHS Varsity Cheer. I have two rescue tabby cats named Paco and Giselle who bring us lots of cuddles and joy.

My hobbies include riding in my jeep, going to the beach, hiking/camping/fishing, creating art pieces, reading historical books, contributing spare funds to local taco trucks, and...serving God. I am an avid sports fanatic and follow: Texas Rangers baseball, Notre Dame football (sister school of St. Edward's), and the Denver Broncos, as well as the Houston Texans.

I am specialized and/or with affiliated the following:

-AVID Transforming Literacy

-Crisis Prevention; Crisis Prevention Institute

-Texas Behavior Support Initiative; State of Texas Certified

-Trauma-Informed Care; Texas Department of FPS Certified

-Capturing Kid's Hearts Certified

-Association of Teachers Professional Educators; Region Campus Representative

-Texas Computer Education Association; State Chapter Member

-American Foundation of Suicide Prevention; State Chapter Member

-Texas Association Against Sexual Assault, Member