
HKSSA Sailing & Paddling Courses


In view of the latest situation of COVID-19, HKSSA will reopen in April with limitations.


COVID-19 Measures in HKSSA

  1. 所有人士在進入本會範圍前需用手機掃瞄「安心出行」二維碼,或登記有關人士的姓名、聯絡電話及到訪日期與時間。
    Every person is required to scan the "LeaveHomeSafe" QR code or register their name, contact number and the date and time of the visit.

  2. 進入本會的任何人士均須消毒雙手及須通過體溫測試,凡體溫高於37.5°C 的任何人士均不得進入本會。
    Every person
    needs to use hand sanitizer and are subject to temperature checks. Anyone with a body temperature over 37.5°C shall be denied entry.

  3. 任何人士於本會範圍內必須佩戴口罩,唯進行運動或飲食時除外。
    Every person
    need to wear a mask when neither doing sports, eating nor drinking.

  4. 室內活動時,上限人數是法定總容量的一半,每小組/檯最多四人。
    For the indoor activities, the number of users is limited to half of the original capacity and each table/cluster must consist of no more than four persons.

  5. 戶外活動時,每小組最多四人,運動時,可不用戴口罩,但彼此之間必須保持至少 1.5 米社交距離。
    For the outdoor activities, the number of participants in each group must consist of no more than four persons. A participant is not required to wear a mask when he or she is doing exercise when staying outdoors or with a distance of at least 1.5 metres between groups.

  6. 於任何時候,小艇只限容納四人。
    At any time, a dinghy/kayak/RIB/boat is
    restricted to four persons per boat.




To browse the other pages with a mobile device, please click on the 3-line menu icon on the top left hand corner of this page. Or you can scroll down to see the course requirements and dates.

Please read the other pages, lots of important information is stated and requires your attention.


Hong Kong Schools Sailing Association

Main Dam, Plover Cove Reservoir, Tai Mei Tuk, Tai Po, NT.

參加資格 Entry Requirements

參加資格 Entry Requirements

風帆課程日期 Sailing Course Dates

班別日期 Sailing Course Dates Mar 2021 - May 2021

划槳課程日期 Paddling Course Dates

班別日期 Paddling Course Dates Mar 2021 - May 2021