
Hawaiian Kociemba was originally created as an elaborate April Fool's joke by TheCubicle.com. In a video titled, "Michael Humuhumunukunukuapua'a's International Debut", a man was shown in Hawaii solving a 3x3 consistently under 5 seconds using a new method called Hawaiian Kociemba. Brayden Mossey, known online on the SpeedSolving forums as wir3sandfir3s, looked at reconstructions of some of the solves in the video and attempted to decipher his method. What he created was the current Hawaiian Kociemba method, except that originally the missing edge in the EOArrow was DR.

For a while after, the method was left untouched and ignored, until "Cubingcubecuber" posted a thread on the SpeedSolving forums titled, "Quest For Sub 10 Hawaiian Kociemba". In the thread Cubingcubecuber stated he had switched to HK, and was charting his progress there. Cubingcubecuber was the first known user of the method(because the video introducing the method was actually a joke) and was using the COLL+L5EP variant of HK(orient all edges during EOArrow and use COLL and L5EP for the last 5 edges and last 4 corners). Cubingcubecuber is the only active user of the method.

Currently Cubingcubecuber is averaging around 10 seconds with HK, making him the current fastest user of the method. HK is still developing though, and has the potential to be a top method, having the benefits of Roux's lower movecount(not as good as Roux though), without having the downsides of bad lookahead. In the future, Hawaiian Kociemba could be regarded as one of the best methods for 3x3, but currently it's a little niche that a few cubers have fun with. Until recently it was a humorous relic not taken seriously, but now it's very slowly being proven as a legitimate method. You never know what the future holds.

Thanks to ProStar for writing this page

My Quest For Sub 10 Hawaiian Kociemba

Proposal - First proposal as a real method by wir3sandfir3s

Michael Humuhumunukunukuapua’a: International video debut