
Ph.D. in STEM Education

8/2021 - 5/2025 [Expected]

Department of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Education, The University of Texas at Austin

GPA of 4.00 out of 4.00 (75 credit hours)

Awards and fellowships awarded during Ph.D. years. (Please click this link)

Research Assistant

Assistant Instructor (Instructor of Record)

Teaching Assistant

Curriculum content and organization, teaching procedures, materials, and research in elementary school subjects (Mathematics). Three lecture hours a week for one semester, including field hours in elementary schools.

Current theories of learning and conceptual development, problem solving in mathematics and science education utilizing technology, principles of expertise and novice understanding of subject matter, implications of high-stakes testing, and foundations of formative and summative assessment. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. (Undergraduate course - UTeach-Natural Sciences program)

Research Collaborator

Relevant courses: Knowing and Learning in STEM Education, Assessment and Curriculum Design in Engineering, Mixed Research Methods, Designing User Interfaces for Children, Curriculum History & Development in STEM Education, Computational Media and Data Science, Ethics of AI

M.S. in Statistics

8/2022 - 5/2024

Department of Statistics and Data Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin

GPA of 4.00 out of 4.00 (30 credit hours)

Relevant courses: Bayesian Statistical Methods, Design and Analysis of Experiments, Regression Analysis, Mathematical Statistics I/II, Discrete Multivariate Models/Categorical Data Analysis, Data Exploration/Visualization in R

B.A. in Education

3/2017 - 2/2021

Elementary Education, Jeju National University of Education

3/2019 - 2/2020

Elementary Education, Seoul National University of Education

GPA of 4.27 out of 4.50 (95.4/100) (8 semesters)

Relevant courses: STEAM-based Science, Information Science Education, Extra-curricular Education and Software, Elementary School Computer Education Ⅰ/Ⅱ, Software Education, Educational Psychology, Educational Statistics, Developmental Psychology, Educational Administration and Management, Curriculum Integration of Elementary Education, Education and Social Welfare, Theories and Practices of Counseling in the School, Theory and Practice of Multicultural Education, Teacher Education in the Globalizing Era, Overseas Language Training (University of Liverpool, UK), Teaching Practicum, Foreign Elementary Teaching Practicum (Adelaide, Australia), Global Internship (United Nations New York, USA)

Awarded Full Scholarships/Fellowships for full eight semesters (details)

Awarded the Talent Award of Korea, Minister of the Korean Ministry of Education Award, 2019

Awarded the Minister of the Korean Ministry of Science and ICT Award, 2018

Awarded the Minister of the Korean Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Award, 2021

... and more

High School Diploma

3/2013 - 2/2016 

Incheon International High School