嘉賓及司儀 簡介

Introduction to Speakers and Emcee

趙志裕 教授


趙志裕教授於美國哥倫比亞大學取得社會心理學博士學位,現任香港中文大學卓敏心理學講座教授及社會科學院院長。趙志裕教授先後任教於香港大學會科學院副院長及心理學系系主任 、美國伊利諾大學及新加坡南洋理工大學教授。

Professor Chi-Yue Chiu

Dean of Social Science, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Prof. C-Y Chiu received his PhD in social-personality psychology from Columbia University in New York City. He is currently Choh-Ming Li Professor of Psychology and Dean of Social Science at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He was previously Associate Dean of Social Science and Head of Psychology at the University of Hong Kong and Professor at the University of Illinosis (USA) and Nanyang Technological University (Singapore).

麥荻文 先生



Mr. Desmond Mak

Teacher of a local DDS secondary school

Desmond Mak is a teacher of a local Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) secondary school. He has been teaching for more than 22 years. In the past two years, he had practised teaching with the attributes of Positive Education. He will share how he has been changing his mindset from fixed to growth in the past 5 years.

郝梅鳳 女士


培僑小學家長教師會主席兼家長校董,曾獲「2014紫荊青年商會同心圓表表者獎」、「2016 第四屆香港十大傑出家長教師會領袖奬」。在創動力媒體、香港電台、新成電台接受訪問,分享工作、家庭和親子溝通。早年跟隨知名九柱性格學大師Professor Jerome Wagner及黃茵女士學習並完成導師課程。現任執行副總裁,常到不同國家工作及考察並參與多個工商界的義務工作。

Ms. Martha Hao

Executive vice president

Ms. Martha Hao is the chairperson of Parent-teacher Association and the Parent Manager of Piu Kiu Primary School and received awards from JCI Bauhinia and Hong Kong Parents Association including「2014紫荊青年商會同心圓表表者獎」and「2016 第四屆香港十大傑出家長教師會領袖奬」. She also participated in broadcast interviews of Dynamix, RTHK and Metro Radio for experience sharing on work, family and parent-child communication. She has learnt the ENNEAGRAM (nine points) Spectrum of Personality Styles from Professor Jerome Wagner, who has introduced the Enneagram system in 1971, and completed the mentoring course which was conducted by Ms. Dorothy Wong. She is currently an executive vice president of a company, frequently taking business trips to different countries and participating into volunteering work of various trade and business organizations.

戴碧志 先生



Mr. Peter Tai

Full-time volunteer devoted to education

Peter Tai has been a fulltime volunteer devoted to education and helping students from underprivileged families for 3 years. Before that he was a manager and entrepreneur within the IT/Telecom industry in Canada, USA, Hong Kong and mainland China. Peter holds a BSc and an MBA degree.

陳燕妮 女士



Ms. Tracy Chan

Executive Director of Ednovators

Ms. Tracy Chan has been trying to support innovation in education so that education can cater for the current and future needs of the young generation. She has worked in the social innovation and social entrepreneurship field with experiences in developing the education programs for Dialogue in the Dark and initiating other youth programs to support the growth of the young generation.