
Leo Lo

A native of Hong Kong (HKGer; although I was not living in Hong Kong for a year), grew up in a duck-feeding educational system in Hong Kong; from primary school, middle school, high school, University, all studying in Hong Kong; and able to speak fluent Cantonese.

But I am now entering the middle age, I am a father of a kid; and I aware that his spoken English is far better than his spoken Cantonese. I felt happy and scary at the same time.

I am happy at – his English pronunciation was really GREAT ...

I felt scary of – his spoken Cantonese was really SUC……

Because of him, I had to spend some of my leisure time, deliberately reading stories and telling stories in Cantonese, recorded that; so that I can playback as a podcast before his sleep time (actually during his bed time). I wish that this may help him to more familiarize with Cantonese.

Actually, will that work? I don’t know.


一個土身土長的香港人(雖然當中有一年不在香港), 受香港填鴨式教育長大, 小學, 中學, 高中, 大學, 都在香港就讀, 一口流利的廣東話.

但步入中年, 已為人父, 眼見自己栽培(其實是太太栽培) 的小朋友, 講英文比講廣東話好, 真心又驚又喜!

喜是 – 英文好聽到呢…….

驚是 --- 中文(廣東話)難聽到呢…….. 懶音多到呢…….

為了他, 只好花一些工作以外的時間, 刻意用廣東話讀吓故事, 講吓故事, 順便錄個音, 希望播多幾次, 等小朋友聽多幾次, 希望可以潛移默化, 讓小朋友的廣東話, 可以好一點吧~~