수리통계 모델링 연구실

· 감염병 확산 예측 모델링 연구

· 확률과정 시뮬레이션 연구

· 응용 생물통계 데이터 분석 연구

연구실 Logo

박사후연구원 (Ph.D)

장근수 (Ph.D. Geunsoo Jang)

대학원 과정 (Graduate Students)

안현정 (Hyeonjeong Ahn, Ph.D. course)

[1] G. Cho*, J. R. Park*, Y. Choi, H. Ahn, H. Lee,Detection of COVID-19 epidemic outbreak using machine learning, Frontiers in Public Health, 2023. 

[2] H. Lee, S. Kim, M. Jeong, E. Choi, H. Ahn, J. Lee, Mathematical modeling of COVID-19 transmission and intervention in South Korea: a review of literature, Yonsei Medical Journal, 2023.

[3] H. Ahn, H. Lee, Predicting the transmission trend in COVID-19: an interpretable machine learning approach on daily cases, deaths, and imported cases, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2024

 박수민 (Su Min Park, Ph.D. candidate)

 Pamela Kim Salonga (Ph.D. course)

서정화 (Jeonghwa Seo, Master course)

(Under-review) G. Jang, J. Seo, and H. Lee, Analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on seasonal infectious disease outbreak detection using hybrid SARIMAX-LSTM model

2024 한국산업응용수학회 포스터발표 우수상

2023 영남수학회 포스터발표 우수상  (2nd prize)

최성준 (Sung June Choi, Master course)

황희영 (Hui Young Hwang, Master course)

김지현 (Jihyeon Kim, Master course)

[1] (Under-review) G. Jang, J. Kim, and H. Lee, Assessing the age-specific vaccination strategies for COVID-19 pandemic by different regions in Korea, 2024

[2] G. Jang, J. Kim, Y. Lee, C. Son, K. T. Ko, and H. Lee, Analysis of the impact of COVID-19 variants and vaccination on the time-varying reproduction number: Statistical methods,  Frontiers in Public Health, 2024

2023 영남수학회 포스터발표 장려상

2022 경북대 자연대 학부인턴십 우수상 (2nd prize)

이연수 (Yeonsu Lee, Master course)

G. Jang, J. Kim, Y. Lee, C. Son, K. T. Ko, and H. Lee, Analysis of the impact of COVID-19 variants and vaccination on the time-varying reproduction number: Statistical methods, Frontiers in Public Health, 2024

손창대 (Changdae Son, Master course)

G. Jang, J. Kim, Y. Lee, C. Son, K. T. Ko, and H. Lee, Analysis of the impact of COVID-19 variants and vaccination on the time-varying reproduction number: Statistical methods, Frontiers in Public Health,2024

2023 영남수학회 포스터발표 장려상 with 김지현, 고경태, 이연수

김민석 (Min Seok Kim, Master course)

강윤아 (Yoonah Kang, Master course)

학석사연계과정 (Pre-Master Students)

고경태 (Kyeong Tae Ko)

[1] K. Ko, Y. Choi, J. Oh, and H. Lee, Identifying the risk clusters for African Swine Fever in Korea via statistical analysis, Frontiers in Veterinary Medicine, 2024

[2] G. Jang, J. Kim, Y. Lee, C. Son, K. T. Ko, and H. Lee, Analysis of the impact of COVID-19 variants and vaccination on the time-varying reproduction number: Statistical methods, Frontiers in Public Health,2024

[3] (Submitted) S. Yi*, K. T. Ko*, M. Ha, S. Park , J. Oh, J.-H. Yoon and H. Lee, Economic Impact on Industries Using Card Transaction Data During the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Korea, 2024

2023 통계콘서트 최우수상

2023 경북대 자연대 기초과학 학부생 발표대회 대상

오장훈 (Janghun Oh)

[1] K. Ko, Y. Choi, J. Oh, and H. Lee, Identifying the risk clusters for African Swine Fever in Korea via statistical analysis, Frontiers in Veterinary Medicine, 2024

[1] (Under-review) G. Jang*, S. Hong*, J. Oh, Y.-I. Kim, M. Kim*, and H. Lee*, Statistic Analysis of the association between El Niño and the Biological Carbon Pump in East Sea (Japan Sea), 2024

[2] (Submitted) S. Yi*, K. T. Ko*, M. Ha, S. Park , J. Oh, J.-H. Yoon and H. Lee, Economic Impact on Industries Using Card Transaction Data During the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Korea, 2024

2023 영남수학회 포스터발표 최우수상(1st prize) with 고경태

     2023 통계콘서트 최우수상

학부연구원 (Undergraduate Students)

3기 24.01 ~ 24.08

2기 23.01 ~ 23.06

 1기 22.05 ~ 22.11


최은서 (Eunseo Choi, Master)

H. Lee, S. Kim, M. Jeong, E. Choi, H. Ahn, J. Lee, Mathematical modeling of COVID-19 transmission and intervention in South Korea: a review of literature, Yonsei Medical Journal, 64(1), 2023.

2023 영남수학회 포스터발표 장려상

2022 경북대 자연대 학부인턴십 장려상 (3rd prize) 

Current Research Topic with Students

Research Activity

- 논문리뷰, 책세미나, 연구진행 세미나

- 2022 한국산업응용수학회 춘계 학술대회 (기초과학연구원, 대전)

- 2022 한국수리생물학회 학술대회 (여수)

- 2022 EKC (한-유럽 과학기술학술대회) (프랑스) 

- 22.07.12 : 경희대 머신러닝 기초 여름학교 (경희대국제캠퍼스, 수원)

- 22.08.19 - 21 : 신변종 감염병 유행 예측과 중재정책 워크숍 (건국대, 한림대, 질병청/ 제주)

- 22.08.29 - 30 : UNIST 머신러닝 및 GNN 코딩 워크숍 (UNIST, 울산)