
Liquidity in Financial Networks 
Computational Economics, January 2020, 55 (1), 253-301.

Does a Central Clearing Counterparty Reduce Liquidity Needs?
Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, April 2018, 13(1), 9–50. 

Settlement Fund Circulation Problem (joint with Toshimasa Ishii, Hirotaka Ono, Yushi Uno)    Discrete Applied Mathematics, July 2019, 265, 86-103.
  (extended abstract: Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2017), December 9-12, 2017 - Phuket, Thailand, Yoshio Okamoto and Takeshi Tokuyama (Eds.) LIPICS Vol. 92)

How a Liquidity Saving Mechanism Affects Bank Behavior in Interconnected Payment Networks
  Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, April 2024.

Electronic Word-of-Mouth: a Survey From an Economics Perspective (joint with Naoshi Doi) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE ECONOMICS OF BUSINESS, April 2020, 27 (2) 303 - 320.

- work in progress: 

 "A Monetary Perspective on Sectoral Growth and Inequality: - Analysis on the Mechanism of Inflation, Bubble and Boom -   "  (Avaialbe at SSRN)
"Introducing Community Cryptocurrency in Sequential Fund Transfer Scheme" (joint with Jun Maekawa)


Conference Presentation "Introducing Community Cryptocurrency in Sequential Fund Transfer Scheme"
- Cryptocurrency Research Conference 2023 ,Monaco (2023 Aug. 29)

Conference Presentation "A Monetary Theory on Sectoral Growth and Inequality"
- Tenth Meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality,  Aix-en-Provence, France (2023 July 12)

 Conference Presentation "Introducing Community (Crypto)currency in Sequential Fund Transfer Scheme"
      - 6th RAMICS Congress, Sofia, Bulgaria (2022 Oct.27)

Conference Presentation " Asset Bubble and Skewed Growth under Excess Money Supply: A Dual Economy Framework"
      - 53rd Annual Conference of the Money, Macro and Finance Society, Kent, UK (2022 Sep. 6)

   Conference Presentation " Asset Bubble and Skewed Growth under Excess Money Supply: A Dual Economy Framework"
      -  Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society in East and South-East Asia, Tokyo (2022 Aug. 8)

   Conference Presentation " Asset Bubble and Skewed Growth under Excess Money Supply: A Dual Economy Framework"
      - Singapore Economic Conference 2022, Singapore (2022 Aug. 2)

   Seminar Presentation: "Liquidity in Financial Networks"
    - Finance and Insurance Seminar, Osaka University (2020 Feb. 12)

  Sapporo Summer Workshop on Monetary and Financial Economics 2018 (2018 Aug. 7-8))
    Organizer: Hitoshi Hayakawa (Hokkaido University)
    Co-organizer: Tomohiro Hirano (University of Tokyo)

    Conference Presentation "Settlement Fund Circulation Problem"
        - The 28th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2017),Phuket  (2017 Dec. 10)

     Seminar Presentation "Liquidity Saving Mechanism in an Interconnected Payment Network"
    - Waseda University (2017 Jan. 11, Wed)

   Seminar Presentation
          - 19th Joint Seminar of Yonsei University and Hokkaido University, Hokkaido University (2016 Oct. 7)

*visiting at Aix Marseille University (2016 March 2 - July 31) 

  Conference Presentation "Monetary Asset Bubble"
            - International Conference on Financial Risks and Uncertainties, Okinawa (2016 Aug. 27)

  Conference Presentation "Complexity of Payment Network"
      - Computing in Economics and Finance, Mercure Chateau Chartrons Bordeaux, France (2016 June 28)

  Seminar Presentation "Liquidity Saving Mechanism in an Interconnected Payment Network"
      - Groupe d’Analyse et de Théorie Economique (2016 June 20, Mon)

 Seminar Presentation "Liquidity Saving Mechanism in an Interconnected Payment Network"
      - Kent University (2016 May 18, Wed)

 Seminar Presentation "Characterization of Lower Bound and Upper Bound of Required Settlement Fund under Real-Time Gross Settlement"
      - Amse-Greqam Seminar, Aix Marseille University (2016 April 25)

 Seminar Presentation  "Characterization of Lower Bound and Upper Bound of Required Settlement Fund under Real-Time Gross Settlement"
            - Gent University (2016 Feb. 29)

Sappro Winter Workshop on Financial Networks 2016, Hokkaido University, Sapporo Campus
    Organizer: Hitoshi Hayakawa

  Conference Presentation "Characterization of Lower-¬bound and Upper-¬bound of Required Settlement Fund under Real-¬Time Gross Settlement"
      -  Financial Risk & Network Theory Conference 2015, Cambridge (2015 Sep. 9)

  Conference Presentation "Complexity of Payment Network"
      -  Singapore Economic Review Conference 2015, Singapore (2015 Aug. 6)

  Conference Presentation "Complexity of Payment Network"
      - The 20th Annual Workshop on the Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents (WEHIA 2015), Sophia Antipolis, France, (2015 May 21)

  Seminar Presentation "Payment Theory: A General Framework and Decomposition Analysis"
            - Otaru University of Commerce (2015 April 24 Fri.)

 Seminar Presentation "Complexity of Payment Network"   
          - Kyoto University, (2014 Oct. 3 Fri.)

   Seminar Presentation "minimum/maximum Payment Circulation Problem"
          - Applied Math. Seminar, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (2014 June 26 Thurs.)

   Seminar Presentation "Complexity of Payment Network"   
            - Kyoto University (2014 May 29 Thurs.)

 Seminar Presentation "Complexity of Payment Network"   
          - Economic Theory Workshop, Hitotsubashi University (2014 May 22 Thurs.)

 Seminar Presentation "Complexity of Payment Network"   
            - ISER Seminar, Osaka University (2014 Feb. 20 Thurs.)

 Conference Presentation(Poster) "Liquidity Saving Mechanism under Interconnected Payment Network"
        - Japanese Economic Association 2013Autumn Meeting, Kanagawa University, Japan (2013 Sep. 14)

 Seminar Presentation "Complexity of Payment Network"
      - ARISH Economics Workshop, Nihon University (2013 Sep. 5)

 Conference Presentation "Complexity of Payment Network"
      - European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Gothenburg, Sweden (2013 Aug. 29)

   Conference Presentation "Liquidity Saving Mechanism under Interconnected Payment Network"
        - Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society, Singapore (2013 Aug. 3)

 Conference Presentation "Does Central Counterparty Reduce Liquidity Requirement?"
      - Econometric Society Australasian Meeting 2013, Sydney, Australia (2013 July 12)

 Conference Presentation "Complexity of Payment Network"
          - The Econometric Society North American Summer Meeting 2013, Los Angeles, U.S. (2013 June 14)