
Grocery Observations 

The beverage aisle:

Drinks: There was a wide variety of different drinks, there were several isles devoted to various forms of pops, sports drinks, energy drinks, teas, and waters. There are probably 20 different types of waters varying in brands as well as flavors and varying in sparkling vs still water. Depending on the brand of water there are about 20 packages of each brand or 50 of the individually sold item. There are about 4 main different sport drink brands. There is almost an entire isle devoted to Gatorade and Powerade. Of these brands alone there is probably 800 Gatorade/Powerade bottles on those shelves. There are about 30 different brands of pop. There are brand name pops like Coke and Pepsi and there are also off brand versions. Of each individual brand of pop there are probably between 20- 30 cases of the popular brands. The lesser known brands and the pop sold in the glass bottles there are around 15 of the brands on the shelf. Each beverage is packaged differently. There are about 4-5 isles packed full of various drinks. Most of the pops are packaged in cans which are then in cardboard boxes. The pop is also sometimes in a plastic to glass bottle. The waters and sports drinks are in plastic bottles, and the energy drinks are in cans.

Next Closest Store: Walgreens

         The next closest store is less than a five-minute walk if you cut through the parking lot and depending on which exit you take to get out of the Kroger. Normally I would get there by driving just because it is easier and safer. The cars that drive through this parking lot don’t tend to pay attention to where they are driving and there is no sidewalk. The only sidewalk is when you get right up to the Walgreens and its attached to the building.


Coffee Shop: 

The coffee shop we looked at had mugs that people used while sitting in the café to help reduce  waste. They also gave out paper cups for their to go orders and paper straws for all the iced coffees/shakes people ordered. 


For pedestrians walking on the streets there are street signs down low at eye level to tell you what streets you are on/ what streets are intersecting. This was only on the outer streets not the neighborhoods. There are also a lot of bicycle lanes, and signs to show where the bike tracks lead. When there is a double lane street there is a small median with walking area for people to cross the street which is very nice to ensure the safety of those who are walking.

For a person using public transportation like the bus there are also signs and arrows on the main roads to lead a person to the bus stops. There are some electronic bus signs that state the time the bus will be arriving at that stop. On the bus there are announcements for the stops before they happen. There are also a screens at the front of the bus saying the names of the stops and when they are coming up so a person knows when to get off. 

Historic Housing Estates:

My group looked at The Meadows neighborhood. The outer part of this neighborhood that can be seen by the main streets there are nicer houses with small front yards and are kept up with. The deeper into the neighborhood you go the less upkeep is done on the houses. The streets also get smaller, there are less nice cars which are densely pack on the streets. There is a higher diversity of people of people in this neighborhood than seen in other places in Nottingham. A lot of the houses didn't have backyards and if they did they were smaller and had clotheslines in them. There was very little green spaces in this neighborhood. There was a space on the outskirts on the neighborhood there was a large field with a rugby goal in it and a little path around the field. It wasn't an upscale park but it was a large open area with trees surrounding it. There were also bus stops easily accessible in the neighborhood, when walking around we found a bus stop within 5 minutes and it was pretty easy to find.

Notes From Nottingham 

5/24 London Transport Museum 

By Dora M Batty, 1921

What attracted me to this posters was the theatrics of it. Even without color it is still very eye catching. It is not only an add for the underground but also for the plays and theater groups in London. The poster evokes fear and excitement. The shadow draws you in you see the parent in fear reaching for the child. The costumes of the child and the abductor show more excitement. This poster is meant to appeal to parents, to keep in mind the safety of their children and how  the underground might be a better option than walking. This was important to the underground because people needed ways to get around and theater was a good reason to go to the other end of the city. It was also important because parents want to keep their children safe and the underground gave them a way to do it. 

Charles Sharland, 1910 

What attracted me to this posters was the image at the top. The picture is interesting with all the dark colors and then the little yellow used as light. This poster is promoting the West End. I think this poster evokes a calm leisurely feeling. There is not a lot of excitement in the photo, its a quiet raining evening. This poster was made for the more those who were middle to upper class. This would be needed for the underground because if the wealthy people were using it more people would. Also since middle class was the main people who used the tube, they used it as a way to get to and from work, this ad encourages not only welthy pople to use it but also just for people to use the undrground for leasure. 

Unknown, 1983 

This poster attracted me because the of the bright yellows and red and the say thing about avoiding anxiety. This drew me in because I found some anxiety when trying to figure out the tube. This poster depicts  how to use the tube and promotes its use and the easiness for it. This poster is supposed to make people feel better about the tube and using it. For me the emotion it brought about was confusion and excitement. The colors make it intreating and easier to follow but it took me a moment to understand what it was trying to say. This poster was meant to serve the everyday person. Their was made to help anyone and everyone who wanted/needed to use the tube. This poster was probably very useful when the tube first started and everyone was trying to figure out how to use it. It would help get rid of some of the confusion.

Beck's version of the underground is much easer to understand because it only highlights the stops and where they are at. In previous versions of the maps it highlights the other areas around and it it’s confusing with all the information being listed out. The new map has a lot more colors to help figure out which tube goes where versus the previous maps only have 1 or two colors.I’m a couple of the other maps the names of the stops are not easily found, their only identification is a large box in the area it stops. In Beck's version the names of the stops can be easily identified. The times and small dots make it easier for the paths to be identified.

Borough Market

Things are sold and put in paper bags. Good is all given out in papers bowls etc. there are a lot of people walking around to eat and stop at multiple places to get food (especially strawberries). The people here are mostly adults, many of which look like they just got off work/are on lunch break. There are also a lot of older people and tourists. There were people of many different ethnicities tehre as well.  Many people are in groups of 2 or more, not a lot of people are alone. There are stalls of fruits and vegetables  (sitting in bowl or baskets) Pastries are sold in plastic bags. There are prepackaged/made drinks people can just pick up and go. Meat and fish sitting on ice, many meats are also in vacuum sealed bags. Spices are packaged in small plastic containers or small ziplock type bags.