Final Reflections

General Reflection  

5 most valuable skills.

How does it feel to be back? 

Genuinely it feels weird to be back. I was fuzzy for the first couple days of being back, time felt like it moved differently than it did in Europe. It also was weird adjusting back into my everyday role, I jumped right back into work and trying to keep a schedule. It also feels good to be back, I missed my people and working. I also really missed to food. It is still a really big adjustment. I got use to doing something all day everyday while in Europe and when I got a break I slept. So now when I am home ding nothing it feels like I'm in limbo, I just don't know what to do with myself. Overall I think it feels good to be back. I have been having fun telling stories to people and getting to reconnect with my loved ones. 

Name three things that you miss most about your England and/or Germany.  What can you do to stay connected to the things you listed?

I can keep trying new things while I am back home. I can go out on mini adventure to places I haven't been or try and find new things to do. I can try and make some of the German food I tried, or I can go to restaurants that serve it. I can also look at Jungle Jim's for the cookies (because I already looked on amazon and they are $16 here). I can try and get some independence and do things on my own, put myself into situations that I have to problem solve to get out of. 

Environmental History Reflection 

How did the excursions in London and Munich connect to or expand on our core class work from Harlaxton? Discuss 2-3 examples, using specifics from class material as well as from the excursions.

Both of these experiences connected to the overall theme of the class. We looked at modes of transportation and how/why people use them. We looked at the development of these forms of transportation and how they have evolved based on how people used them.