The Patriot 

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Copy of The Patriot Presentation

The Revolutionary War 

Timeline Webquest 

1. In 1754, Benjamin Franklin proposed the Albany Plan of Union, which called for a single government for the colonies. 

2. In 1763, King George the III banned colonists from settling beyond the Appalachian Mountains. 

3. The Sugar Act was established in 1764. 

4. Two new acts were placed on the colonists in 1765. These included the Stamp Act and Quartering Act. 

5. Parliament repealed the Stamp Act in 1766. 

6. In March of 1770, the Boston Massacre took place. 

7. In December of 1773, the Boston Tea Party unfolded. 

8. In Philadelphia in 1774, the First Continental Congress met at Carpenter’s Hall. 9. The following year, in 1775, Patrick Henry gave his famous speech, Paul Revere’s ride took place, and the Battles Lexington and Concord ensued. 

10. The same year, George Washington was appointed commander in chief and the Battle of Bunker Hill took place in June. 

11. Thomas Paine published Common Sense in 1776. Later that year, Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. 

12. The Battle of Trenton took place the day after Christmas. 

13. There were many battles in 1777. The first battle being the Battle of Princeton. In July, the British captured Fort Ticonderoga. In December, Washington and his army spent the winter at Valley Forge. 

14. In 1778 the U.S. and France became Allies. 

15. In 1779 the British burned locations including Fairfield, CT and Norwalk, CT. 16. 1780 brought many battles, with the Battle of Camden taking place in South Carolina on August 16th. Later the same year, General Nathanael Greene was named commander of the Continental Army. 

17. Fighting continued into 1781, with the Siege of Yorktown taking place from late September to mid-October. Following this siege, General Cornwallis surrendered. 18. In 1782, the British evacuated numerous locations, such as Savannah, GA in July and Charleson, SC in December. 

19. Congress ratified a preliminary peace treaty in 1783. The same year, the US and Great Britain signed the Treaty of Paris, and in December, Washington resigned as commander. 20. Prior to resigning, Washington had bid farewell to his officers in New York City.