Study Guide and Learning Resources

Study Guide and Learning Resources

As you read the chapter and view the videos, take notes on the following questions. Be sure to provide specific examples from this text in your responses. Responses should be at least 1-2 paragraphs:

  • Why did cotton become such an important crop in the nineteenth century?

  • What types of technology contributed to the growth of cotton in the 19th century?

  • Why did the free and non-free population of the South grow so rapidly in the 19th century?

  • Why was the South so resistant to change (particularly economic change) in the 19th century?

  • How did "King Cotton" impact the institution of slavery in the American South?

  • What forms of "resistance" existed for slaves in the antebellum South?

  • How did cotton (and the technologies that went along with cotton) contribute to the creation of southern cities in the 19th century?

  • How did cities complicate the traditional social order of the South?

  • Describe the (broad) characteristics of slave culture(s) in the antebellum South.

  • In what ways were concepts of honor and violence inextricably bound in the 19th-century South? How did the concept of honor differ based on gender and race?