Lanakila -- Chapter 1450

Meeting Reminder - NARFE Lanakila Chapter 1450

Our next chapter meeting is Saturday July 20, at 9:30 am, at the Lanakila Multi-Purpose Senior Center.

For those on dues renewal, please renew your dues timely upon receiving your billing notice.  NARFE existence is dependent on your membership.  Discounts are offered for dues renewals for 2- and 3-years periods.  A similar discount is offered for those who elect dues withholding from your annuity check. Dues withholding eliminates the need to remember to send in your renewal payment each time.  Dues withholding helps NARFE cut expenses especially with rising printing and mailing costs.      

I will cover the procedure for logging onto to: 

                    1.  view your personal account with NARFE

                    2.  access the advocacy site for generating letters to our congressional delegates on legislative issues important to you

                    3.  learn about the FedHub site where member's ideas and comments are shared across the nation

At our meeting, I will need 1 or 2 volunteers to help with this presentation.   If you volunteer and you are not logged onto, please have a  password ready to log in.  If you are logged onto, then I just need to have you log on for me so I can move around the screens non-officer members would see.  

NARFE is a membership organization that relies on grassroot efforts to protect and preserve our earned benefits. Tools are developed to make it easier for each member to let their voice be heard.  Come learn about these tools.  

Joyce Matsuo

VP, Lanakila Chapter 1450