Founded in 1979, NARFE's Chapter #1656 represents the interests of nearly 200 members residing in the heart of paradise:  Waikiki, Hawaii.  Our activities support the pension and retirement benefits of federal retirees and the pay and benefits of active federal employees.  

Waikiki Chapter 1656

Wednesday May 15, 2024, at 10 am

One Kalakaua Senior Living, Basement Game Room   

Waikiki Chapter 1656 Meeting Reminder - We meet on Wednesday May 15, 2024, at 10 am at Lawrence Enomoto's apartment building, One Kalakaua Senior Living, 2nd Floor Basement Game Room.   


The facility requires that you wear a mask in common areas.  Parking entrance is on Young Street.  Note your car stall number as you need to enter this info when signing in.  You are visiting Lawrence Enomoto.  The sign-in machine is on the left side wall before the entrance door.  After signing in, obtain your visitor tag at the desk. Elevator is to the left; stairs is to the right – one floor down.


We plan to share videos on “What is AI?” and Fake News.


Attached is the minutes of our 3/20/2024 meeting for your review prior to the meeting.

Joyce Matsuo

Waikiki Chapter President

Waikiki Chapter 1656

Minutes of the Meeting

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

One Kalakaua Senior Living, Game Room B-2


The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by President Joyce Matsuo.  Sherri Clark gave the invocation.  Pledge of Allegiance led by Larry Enomoto. 


Attendees:  President Joyce Matsuo, Vice President Sam Mitchell and Secretary/Treasurer Larry Enomoto.  


Members:  Moana Sanders, Leslie Tam, Sherri Clark, Lionel Mitsuya, Donna Miller, and Mary Johnson by long distance phone.


The quorum of 5 was met.


President’s Welcome and Remarks:  Joyce welcomed and thanked the members for attending, especially Mary Johnson in California.    


Reading of the Minutes:  Copies of the minutes of the 1/17/2024 meeting were handed out.  One correction made - $47 was collected for Alz’s at the meeting.  Sam first and Larry seconded to accept the minutes as corrected; unanimous vote followed.  


President’s Report –

a.  Chapter membership: we will try to track the changes as follows:    

        At 1/08/2024:   Chapter 48 and National 83 for a total of 131; net gain of 7.  

       At 3/14/2024:   Chapter 49 and National 82 for a total of 131; net gain (or loss) -0-.

      A chapter member death was called in to the e-SO – H. Yamamoto.   


b.   FEDcon 2024 will be held August 18-20, 2024, in St Louis, MO.  Joyce will suggest to the federation board to send a second person as this is a critical time for NARFE organization.   This is also election year for our national officers. Candidate statements and any proposed bylaws changes will appear in the narfe magazine and online.  


c.  March is NARFE-PAC month.  Joyce asked that members contribute to the PAC as monies help support candidates who support NARFE issues.  She suggested that members consider becoming a sustainer and have monthly donations deducted from their annuities. The PAC donates $2,000 to representative and $5,000 to senatorial candidates.  The PAC committee consults with the federation when a candidate approaches the PAC for a donation.  To date, Rep. Tokuda has not asked for funds.  The federation needs to reach out to Rep. Tokuda and introduce our local NARFE to her.    


Vice-President’s Report – 

a. Sam reported on the Schedule F issue which appears to be coming up again this election year.  Former President Trump created Schedule F employee category by executive order but President Biden rescinded the order.  NTEU received information through a FOIA request that indicated that the original Schedule F was more extensive and targeted all levels of federal employees.  At that time, agencies were asked to identify certain employees to switch them to Schedule F.  The EO was to allow for termination of Schedule F employees at will.   Currently, there is a House bill and a Senate bill to protect employee rights.  Rep Case and Senators Schatz and Hirono co-sponsored their respective bills.  The Merit Systems Protection Board is taking steps to ensure employee rights.       


The Schedule F issue is becoming a campaign issue. We need to be careful when discussing this as NARFE cannot take part in political activities.  Lionel shared with us that US Court employees are barred from any political activities under Cannon law versus the Hatch Act that allows federal employees to participate in political activities offsite and during non-duty hours.   


b. Equal COLA for FERS Retirees bill does not have enough co-sponsors.  Joyce informed the group that the April 2024 NARFE magazine has an article comparing CSRS and FERS retirees’ retirement benefits.  Some FERS retirees who invested their TSP wisely came out ahead of CSRS retirees in overall retirement income.  This kind of information might discourage Congress from providing equal COLA on FERS retirees’ government pension portion.  The diminishing Social Security fund might also impact this bill passage.  An early anecdotal explanation of the FERS COLA limitation was due to the fact that they got government-matching TSP contributions up to 5%.   However, CSRS employees were allowed to participate in TSP, too, but without government-matching.     


Treasurer’s Report/Alzheimer’s Report – Larry provided his written report.  

          Balance at 12/31/2023         $2,127.06 

          Total Receipts                            322.66 

          Less Total Expenses                (468.96)

          Balance at 3/20/2024            $1,980.76


Kona Chapter closed and 1 member was transferred to our chapter – prorata share received was $40.10.  


Alzheimer’s Report – HI Federation has raised $1,185 in FY 2024 for NARFE Alz’s Research compared to $1,233 it raised in FY 2023.  The HI Federation team has raised $70 so far for 2024 Longest Day Campaign which ends July 31, 2024, and $50 for Walk to End Alz’s Campaign which ends December 31, 2024.  Go online to donate to the HI Federation team.  Joyce informed the group that Larry received a Distinguished Award from headquarters for his 2023 efforts in raising Alz’s donations.  


At today’s meeting we collected $70 for NARFE’s Alzheimer’s Research.  Larry will submit the donation to HISF Alz’s Chair John Priolo. 


Unfinished Business:

  a.  Chapter Membership Recruitment and Retention Plan 7/1/2023 through 6/30/2023: (1) Goal of 5 gift memberships – 5 gifts made.  (4 to Waikiki and l to Leeward Chapters)

       (2) Goal of 5 to increase the number of Dues Withholding Members - 1 with another one pending processing.  

      (3) Distinguished Member Certificates – Current 

Larry reported that he received a notice that the membership application in the narfe magazine is not to be followed as it asks the applicant to provide income information.  Larry passed out copies of the objectionable application.  Lionel also commented that the application leaves out the dues withholding option to retirees and those renewing.  He will try to format a more comprehensive application for submission to headquarters for their consideration.


New Business:  

a.  2025 State Conference location – The federation board voted to have a one-day conference.  A list of proposed venues was sent out to all chapter presidents to vote on the location.  The locations are – Japanese Cultural Center, Okinawan Cultural Center, Airport Holiday Inn, Pearl Country Club, Honolulu Country Club.  At today’s meeting, St. Louis School Alumni Club House was proposed.  1st choice – Japanese Cultural Center; 2nd choice – Pearl Country Club and St Louis School Alumni Club House tied; 3rd choice – Honolulu Country Club.  Joyce will report the results to the HISF Conference Coordinator J. Priolo.  An April date is yet to be determined.



a.  Next chapter meetings – 

Wednesday May 15, 2024 - OKSL, Game Room

Wednesday September 18, 2024 – OKSL, Game Room

Wednesday November 20, 2024 - OKSL, Game Room


   There is a wide-screen television we can use.  Donna suggested we get training on AI – recognizing fake information.  


Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 a.m. 


Respectfully submitted,

  Joyce Matsuo, Chapter President,    

  for Secretary/Treasurer Larry Enomoto 


After meeting discussions – A member asked if anyone knew of a company that does burials at sea.  Lionel googled it and gave the member several suggestions.