RRP-Xen Single Core

A single core implementation of RRP-HiRTS framework in Xen Hypervisor: This webpage breifly explains the step-wise procedure of operating RRP single core.

Latest Version (Experimental Version) is available at https://github.com/pvpk1994/RRP-Xen. This repository includes source files needed to install working version of RRP-Xen (both Single and Multi-Core implementations).

Necessary user-space plugins to install Domains operating under RRP-Xen are made available at https://github.com/pvpk1994/Xen-Schedule-Entry-Setup

This Version of RRP-Xen Single Core implementation supports the following:

  1. Support for cpupool

  2. Switching scheduling policies on the go

  3. automation tools to enable smooth setup of schedule entries

  4. Well commented and bug-fix support

  5. Hazzle-free changes to WCET/Periods of DomUs

  6. Dynamic schedule entry setup with the help of Domain-0 userspace plugins.

NOTE: DomUs are also referred to as Schedule Entries in Xen static scheduler terminology.

Single Core RRP-Xen Scheduler code: Link

User-space RRP-Xen simulator code: Link

Schedule Entry Setup - Phase I

This video explains how to run the automation script in order to setup the volumes (PV, VG, LV) for a DomU/Schedule Entry operating under RRP-Xen v1.0.

It also explores other options that need to be considered in the event of script failure at any stage of the setup.

Schedule Entry Setup - Phase II

This video is a continuation of schedule entry setup - phase I. In this phase II, we create a seperate cpupool for RRP-Xen v1.0. After successfull creation of a cpupool, we now have to remove a cpu (excluding 1 and 3) and insert them into RRP-Xen operated aaf_pool. On running the uuid_single_core.sh, the end user should be able to provide in WCET and Period of that Domain and doing so will then setup the domains into a blocked state.

Domains in these blocked state are now ready for Guest OS installation. How to install a Guest OS in these domains is explained in the next phase.

Guest OS Installation - Phase III

This video provides a comprehensive walkthrough of the Guest Operating system installation using vmlinuz & initrd images provided by Linux Ubuntu Distribution.

After successfull installation of the Guest OS, the new VM can be operated from a new console. A cpu-intensive workload (a Linux yes command) on this newly setup VM with a guest OS can be put into a --r-- mode by exectuion of the aforementioned workload.