Regularity Based Resource Partitioning (RRP)

RRP model comprises of open-source virtualization platforms for system integration and cloud computing with real-time performance guarantees. It is based on Hierarchical Real-Time System Frameowork (HiRTS). RRP is classified as a popular resource models of HiRTS, regarded in the real-time systems community as RRP-HiRTS Framework. RRP-Embedded System features implementation of RRP-HiRTS framework across various virtualized platforms like Xen for X-86, XtratuM for ARM-9 etc..,

This webpage explains the step-wise procedure of installation and operations of RRP-Xen scheduler and also provides a thorough walk through of RRP-Xtratum scheduler and steps to operate it.

RRP-Embedded system offers three versions/variants:

  1. RRP-Xen Single Core

  2. RRP-Xen Multi Core

  3. RRP-Xtratum

RRP-HiRTS Scheduling Framework