

Lorenz Curve

주의) 출신 학교가 모두 밝혀지지 않은 교원도 포함


주의) 출신 학교가 모두 밝혀지지 않은 교원도 포함

Number of data with same 'Prof Univ' and 'Bachelor': 106 (16.06%)

Number of data with same 'Prof Univ' and 'Ph.D': 32(4.85%)

Network Analysis

Authority Scores vs Hub Scores

주의) 출신 학교가 모두 밝혀지지 않은 교원도 포함

Bachelor to Faculty

hub: 교육적으로 좋은 곳으로서 명성있는 학자들을 양성한 척도

authority: 명성있는 학자들이 일하는 곳

Correlation Coefficient (Hub Scores): 0.6345

P-value (Hub Scores): 0.0000

Correlation Coefficient (Authority Scores): 0.8878

P-value (Authority Scores): 0.0000

Top 10 Hub Scores:

Seoul: 0.4756

KAIST: 0.1076

Yonsei: 0.0796

Korea: 0.0502

POSTECH: 0.0465

Sogang: 0.0369

Pusan: 0.0179

Sungkyunkwan: 0.0172

Hanyang: 0.0134

Kyung_Hee: 0.0118

Top 10 Authority Scores:

Seoul: 0.0891

KAIST: 0.0644

UNIST: 0.0581

POSTECH: 0.0474

Sungkyunkwan: 0.0449

Chonnam: 0.0411

Ewha: 0.0387

Korea: 0.0386

UOS: 0.0333

Kyung_Hee: 0.0313

Correlation Coefficient (Hub Scores): 0.6886

P-value (Hub Scores): 0.0000

Correlation Coefficient (Authority Scores): 0.8110

P-value (Authority Scores): 0.0000

Top 10 Hub Scores:

Seoul: 0.2592

KAIST: 0.1200

POSTECH: 0.0567

Korea: 0.0311

Michigan: 0.0264

Yonsei: 0.0237

MIT: 0.0221

Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: 0.0198

California Institute of Technology: 0.0188

Texas at Austin: 0.0178

Top 10 Authority Scores:

KAIST: 0.0608

Chonnam: 0.0595

UNIST: 0.0572

Seoul: 0.0514

Jeonbuk: 0.0465

Chungnam: 0.0420

POSTECH: 0.0408

Sungkyunkwan: 0.0395

Korea: 0.0372

Hanyang: 0.0359

Hiring Network analysis

Bachelor to Prof Univ Flow Network

Ph.D to Prof Univ Flow Network


랜덤 포레스트 회귀 모델 설정 및 그리드 서치로 최적 파라미터 탐색

null ranking


PhD_Hub_Score               0.380443

Bachelor_Authority_Score    0.195241

Bachelor_Hub_Score          0.157166

Bachelor_Self_Hiring        0.118611

PhD_Authority_Score         0.107653

PhD_Self_Hiring             0.040886

연구성과를 제외하고 교원임용에 있어서 우선적으로 평가되는 지표들...?

Adjusted ranking


PhD_Hub_Score               0.381587

Bachelor_Authority_Score    0.189818

Bachelor_Hub_Score          0.182851

Bachelor_Self_Hiring        0.109400

PhD_Authority_Score         0.101229

PhD_Self_Hiring             0.035114