

Lorenz Curve

주의) 출신 학교가 모두 밝혀지지 않은 교원도 포함


주의) 출신 학교가 모두 밝혀지지 않은 교원도 포함

Number of data with same 'Prof Univ' and 'Bachelor': 100 (17.42%)

Number of data with same 'Prof Univ' and 'Ph.D': 26(4.53%)

Network Analysis

Authority Scores vs Hub Scores

주의) 출신 학교가 모두 밝혀지지 않은 교원도 포함

Bachelor to Faculty

Correlation Coefficient (Hub Scores): 0.7304

P-value (Hub Scores): 0.0000

Correlation Coefficient (Authority Scores): 0.8696

P-value (Authority Scores): 0.0000

Top 10 Hub Scores:

Seoul: 0.4389

KAIST: 0.1402

POSTECH: 0.0712

Korea: 0.0632

Yonsei: 0.0484

Kyungpook: 0.0221

Ewha: 0.0186

Sungkyunkwan: 0.0177

Pusan: 0.0154

Sogang: 0.0141

Top 10 Authority Scores:

KAIST: 0.1133

Seoul: 0.0903

POSTECH: 0.0427

Inha: 0.0419

Chung_Ang: 0.0400

Ajou: 0.0397

Chungnam: 0.0349

Sungkyunkwan: 0.0333

Chonnam: 0.0331

Hanyang: 0.0325

Ph.D to Faculty

Correlation Coefficient (Hub Scores): 0.7554

P-value (Hub Scores): 0.0000

Correlation Coefficient (Authority Scores): 0.6915

P-value (Authority Scores): 0.0000

Top 10 Hub Scores:

Seoul: 0.2427

KAIST: 0.1115

POSTECH: 0.0551

Wisconsin - Madison: 0.0351

Yonsei: 0.0321

Michigan: 0.0275

New York: 0.0258

Illinois at Urbana - Champaign: 0.0258

Princeton: 0.0239

Iowa: 0.0202

Top 10 Authority Scores:

Hanyang: 0.0683

Seoul: 0.0600

Chungnam: 0.0461

KAIST: 0.0442

Kyung_Hee_applied: 0.0400

Sungkyunkwan: 0.0395

Sogang: 0.0362

Ajou: 0.0350

Kyung_Hee: 0.0342

Konkuk: 0.0322

Hiring Network analysis

Bachelor to Prof Univ Flow Network

회귀 분석 결과


가장 중요한 요소

종합 분석

이 결과를 바탕으로, 수학과 교원 임용에서 가장 중요한 요소는 Detailed Bachelor-Prof Gravity ScoreDetailed Ph.D-Prof Gravity Score임을 확인할 수 있습니다. 추가 분석이나 다른 질문이 있다면 말씀해 주세요.
