I use numerical, theoretical, and experimental tools to understand the flow of fluids. Most of my research works are computational and theoretical and recently, I have also started doing experiments. I have expertise in the modeling of multiphase flows. I use the volume-of-fluid method-based solver Basilisk and Gerris to perform the numerical simulations. I can code in C, Fortran and Octave and I use bash, Python, and Matlab/Octave for post-processing. I have extensively worked on the generation, coalescence, and motion of drops. I work on the drop dynamics of both Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. My research works are primarily applied although considerable attention is given from the fundamental perspective. In other words, I study the fundamentals of some applied fluid mechanics problems. These fluid dynamical understandings are very important in several applications, for example, petroleum refining, formation of aerosols (which got extensive attention during COVID-19), formation of oceanic mist, and gas dissolution in water. In addition to that, my research has application in the optimization of spray painting and coating, ink-jet printing, food processing, and 3d lithography. Recently, I am focussing on atmospheric modeling (the interaction of cyclones, cloud modeling) and low Renolds number biological flows (flow of microorganisms). Moreover, I am highly interested to work on the application of Machine Learning in the modeling, prediction, and control of fluid flows. The highlight of some of my works can be found below (for more detail see the publication list).Â