Organizing Committee

This international workshop is organized by the Students of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's degree “History in the Public Sphere”, with the support of the Universities of the Consortium and in partnership with the Istituto Nazionale Ferruccio Parri. 

 International Workshop Students’ Organizing Committee 

Mako Hasegawa

Currently, she investigates Italian commemoration/celebration days to analyze how and what is commemorated. Focusing on the interrelation between history and politics, she considers history and memory for the public sphere, not exclusively for historians.

Edoardo Bastianini

Graduate with Honors from the University of Bologna, he studies the entanglements between memory policies, cultural institutions and places of the Italian Resistance. Mixing institutional sources and public history initiatives he would like to insert the Italian case in a transnational dialogue.

Chisa Nagaoka

She is actually interested in the relationship between public space and people’s sense of belonging. In Master, she will focus on Italian Fascist architecture, especially why it still remains in the modern public space and how people react to the role of the memory of Italian Fascism through it.

HIPS Faculty Members and Staff involved in the organization of the Workshop

Taku Shinohara



Rin Odawara


Moderator & Discussant

Balázs Trencsényi


HIPS Program Director

Lorenzo Venuti



Francesca Tacchi



Yoshiko Fujii

Programme Coordinator HIPS

Yuka Hasegawa

Programme Coordinator HIPS

Thanks also to the Istituto Nazionale Ferruccio Parri for the official partnership and the organization's support.

Sara Zanisi, Paolo Pezzino, Filippo Focardi, Giulia Albanese