History in the Public Sphere

"History in the Public Sphere"

An International Erasmus Mundus Master Program of Public History across the world.

"History in the Public Sphere" is a two-year Erasmus Mundus Master's Program that focuses on how the past is represented, contested, and negotiated in the public sphere, exploring various contexts from the early modern period to the present in a comparative and transnational way. 

Taught in English.

Practical skills, internships in museums, archives and institutions, and fieldwork.

Fully funded for scholarship recipients.

6 countries and 6 cities are involved. 🗺️ Vienna - Budapest - Tokyo - Lisbon - Florence - Paris 🗺️

Let's make Public History with us!

Follow us on our websites and social networks.


Consortium Universities

University of Florence, Italy

Central European University, Austria - Hungary

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan

University Nova Lisbon, Portugal

Financed by:

Associated Patner

Inalco University, France