hip63's Game Vault

Welcome to my little modded corner of the internet!

These mod packs below contain the work of many talented creators in their various communities. However most players are not modders and don't wish to be. And sometimes getting mods to work and especially when you're putting many of the together is more work than many are willing to do. Putting together massive overhauls such as these are no small task as tracking them down often deals in having to wade through mymarid of old forum posts, dead emails and links. Then there's sorting through getting all the mods to play together nicely. However I'm that weird one that is actually willing to wade in to those murky depths and emerge with something easy to install and enjoy for everyone. Which leads us to...


The titles list on these pages contain mods developed by the gaming communities for the respective games with many talented individuals doing a lot of hard work for your enjoyment. The intent of these packages is not to "steal" anyone's work but instead, these mod packs are constructed for the love of the games and mods so all the years of hard work is not lost to the sands of time and still enjoyable for the gaming masses for as long as possible. (I'm still upset about all those Interstate '76 game mods lost years ago. I love that game!) So don't thank me, thank them!

hip63's Add-On Mods Collection

Below are a Collection of Mods and Mod Packs for Games I enjoy and maybe you will too! You will need to own a copy of the game to use these mods.

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hip63's Stand Alone Mods Collection

Here you'll find my collection of vintage games updated to look better and run better on modern gaming systems. Many of these are very old titles and are no longer published or are community made projects so these are full stand alone games.


Some mods included in these titles may use what are known as "Script Hook" Mods that run in memory along side the game's exe to inject code into the game for modding enhancements to work that would not work otherwise. They usually have to be placed in the game's folder so when the game starts, the scripts "hooks" the game as it loads and allows the desired modifications to work.

Many times these are graphic shading enhancements, new game functions and other game improving tweaks.

Sometimes they even allow for bug fixes by the community that the game's developers left uncorrected.

*** However some antivirus programs may falsely detect these files as unsafe due to the script's hook code. ***

dgVooDoo 2 for example is a useful tool for injecting DirectX 11/12 features into games that use DirectX 8 or older. It can also convert old Glide rendered games to DirectX 11/12.

Sadly, some antivirus programs still detect it as unsafe even though it's been a staple for vintage game enthusiasts for years. It's also very usefully getting ReShade to work with older games.

Another example is some of the Grand Theft Auto scripting mods are also detected falsely detected as unsafe.

A wrong detection by an antivirus program is known as a "False Positive"

*** If your security software alerts on one of these files, you will need to make an exception in your security software to allow the files to be used. ***