PSG 2023 Activities

Staff Appreciation Day (29 Aug 2023)

PSG group photo with Principal, Mrs. Helen Tan-Lee, and PSG teacher coordinators Ms. Goh and Mr. Chia, after the Staff Appreciation Day concert.

Handmade mosaic coasters by our PSG members.

Each gift pack contains a coaster, a customized pen and a note of thanks.

Tarts for all the teaching and non-teaching staff.

A sweet treat as a token of appreciation.

Doing one last round of quality control checks for the gift bags before the event.

Our PSG's very own 'Black Green' (coined after Kpop girl group 'Black Pink') performing 'Hillgrovian' on stage!

All smiles after the performance. The gruelling weekly practices and recording sessions were worth it in the end!

Celebrating our hard work and effort leading to the Staff Appreciation Day.  It's a wrap (finally)!

BTS - Practice and recording session. Having fun despite

BTS - Some serious discussion going on there!

BTS - Giving 101% effort for our performance.

Black-Green in the house! :)

International Friendship Day (26 April 2023)

Hari Raya Puasa (15 April 2023)

PSG members gathering on a Saturday to decorate the school canteen before Hari Raya Puasa to add festive spirit to the school! We also recorded a special song, in addition to our well-wishes,  to wish our Muslim friends 'Selamat Hari Rayi Aidilfitri'!

Obligatory photo with the decor pieces before we getting down to business! 

Hanging out the decor pieces in the school canteen.

More hands make light work!

Bonding while working! This is how friendships are forged in our PSG family.

MOE Dialogue Session (25 March 2023)

Our PSG leaders with Minister for Education Mr Chan Chun Sing, after the very informative session on how MOE can partner with the PSG community to bring out the best in our children, based on their strengths and aspirations.

PSG leaders and members are often invited to attending such  dialogue sessions to forge greater partnerships between MOE, schools and parents.

The aim of this dialogue session was to 'bring together perspectives and experiences from industry professionals, parents and educators to support our children to be future-ready.

Panelists for the dialogue session included Minister for Education, Mr. Chan Chun Sing and Minister of State for Education, Ms. Gan Siow Huang.

Mr. Chan Chun Sing giving his speech at the event. You can view the recording of his speech here

Lunar New Year (January 2023)

The Lunar New Year celebrations saw the PSG assisting with the canteen decor,  judging of the inter-class classroom decor competition, packing of  'ang pows' containing candies and a greeting note,  as well as distributing the ang pows to our Hillgrovians (with bunny ears, no less!).

Sorting out ang pow packets