Hillgrove Parent Support Group

About Hillgrove PSG

The Hillgrove PSG was first formed in 2004, and these are the aims that we hope to achieve:

➕ To support the school in its programs and events. 

➕ To create a platform for parents to provide mutual support and facilitate bonding.

➕ To have dialogues with school personnel for a deeper understanding of issues and school programs.

➕ To establish close network of educators and parents to provide the necessary educational, social and  emotional support for the child's educational journey.

Latest Happenings - Oct '23

After-school engagement PSG organized some fun post-examination activities for the students as a form of encouragement for the hard work they've put in this academic year!

Latest Happenings - Aug '23

Staff Appreciation Day 2023

This year, we prepared handmade mosaic coasters, customized pens and tarts as gifts and also put up an original stomp-inspired performance to the beat of Imagine Dragons' "Believer" (...except that one of our talented PSG parent changed the lyrics and subsequently title to  "Hillgrovian"!) for the Staff Appreciation Day concert.

Check out 2023 PSG Activities to see the rest of our involvement this year!

Be a part of the PSG! Click here to register so that you will be included in the level WhatsApp chat group, and be notified of events/activities that you can be involved in.

If you have any feedback, suggestions or questions, please email us at hillgrove.sec.psg@gmail.com