Ukulele Lessons

I’ll go out on a limb by saying most people enjoy music.  How fun would it be to have the skill and knowledge to play an instrument along with your favorite artist/song?  It was for me.  I struggled and tinkered with guitar for 20 years, and I'd get frustrated then lose my motivation.  After a few months or years, a reminder would pop up and then I’d pick up the guitar again.   I didn't get far.

That changed in 2017, when I was exposed to the beautiful sounds you can easily make playing the ukulele.  I also realized that a guitar has 6 strings, but a ukulele has 4.  I have 4 fingers and a thumb.  Which do you think is easier to master?

Next thing you know I was playing song after song with the ukulele.  Flashforward to today, and I own over 25 ukuleles and several Ukulele Bass (U-Bass) instruments, perform many times every month with other musicians, and teach music.

The ukulele enriched my life, and it can have a profound effect on yours too! 

Especially If You’re Old or Young

The variety in ukulele size combined with the easy action of the strings make it easier to work with smaller hands or hands that might be difficult to use due to injury, disease, or age.  I’ve worked with people from two to eighty-nine years old.  If you have the will, I will find a way to help you or your loved ones play music with a ukulele.

Mental Health Benefits

Do you know what I think about when I play the ukulele?  Usually it has something to do with the song.  What's more important is what I'm not thinking about.  My troubles, worries, and woes just slip away.  My heartrate drops, I know this from the days when I wore a heart monitor and went to the ukulele club, and my day-to-day stress just melts away!

A Gateway Instrument

Ukuleles come in several sizes from a teeny-tiny sopranino to the baritone.  Many of my students began with the urge to play a guitar; however, the size of their hands or dexterity make it difficult to form many of the chords used in popular songs.  When this happens, the student tends to give up.  Many times a parent will approach the ukulele as a second chance instrument in hopes of spurring the pursuit for music.  Once a young person finds the “I can do it” moment, they make tremendous progress.   Being matched with the right-sized instrument, a passionate teacher, and good techniques for playing the instrument will motivate them to learn on their own.

From The Student’s View

The curriculum is tailored to the student’s aptitude, taste in music, experience, and desire to play.  We begin with getting to know the student and the music he/she loves.  This gives me an idea of the music style and amount of music theory required to introduce the instrument and encourage practicing and performing music.  After a little background about the ukulele, we quickly move into forming chords and to a song for practice until we meet again.   The following lesson will include more of their music preferences.

With child students, I find when family gets involved, the student will learn/share/show and grow faster.  The ultimate goal is to develop the internal love for music and drive for lifelong learning and enjoyment.  

Group Instruction

The power of working together as a group to master a song can truly motivate the student to learn.  There's nothing like a little peer pressure to light up a spark, eh?   Our larger group classes are amazing.  We can teach anyone, even in large groups, to play a song within a matter of minutes.  Hearing over 20 ukuleles strumming & picking at the same time leaves an impression on you that is unmatched!

Just email to get started.