Full Band With Ukulele

With access to musicians, thanks to Jason Birdwell Music, who've been playing music for over 20, 30, and 50 years, we've got the talent to meet your music needs.  Throw in a U-Bass and/or an electric ukulele with an effects processor and now you've got something special.  You can request a 3, 4, 5 or even the motherload of the 6 person band (complete with dueling guitarists) and choose music from a variety of songs listed below.  We most likely can handle a special request or two with ample time for us to master the tracks as a group.  Ya' gotta give us time to learn it so it'll sound great at the event.    

Email hlukeinfo@gmail.com with your ideas and where/how long you'd like us to play to start the process.

Blue Bayou

Fire Away

Parody Video