What they'll need for the day!

What you need to know

If you are sending your children to us, here’s what you need to know.


Being properly dressed is important if you are outside. So we ask that you make sure your child comes with the following, packed in a single RUCKSACK, so they can carry it easily (NB that your children will have to carry their own kit, so please make sure that it comes in a suitable backpack):


You will need to provide:

We will provide:

Food and drink, and waterproofs should be in a rucksack marked with your child’s name. 


We do share the woods with other animals, which is part of the joy of being there of course. Mostly we get along fine, but there are a few beasties that can be problematic:

Wasps and bees: usually only an issue in the warmer months. If your child is susceptible to bites or stings then consider applying insect repellant just before they join us. We rarely get stings, but they do happen. If your child is allergic to wasp or bee stings make sure we know (on the booking form) and if they need Piriton (or anything stronger) then send it along with them.


If your children need medication then please remember to tell us and to bring it with you. It’s up to you to make sure we know any relevant medical conditions, and to bring appropriate amounts of any medication required. In particular please make sure that if your child suffers from asthma that they have an inhaler, and if they suffer from anaphylaxis and carry an epipen that they bring TWO epipens with them (this is the minimum number required for safety in the event of an attack). 


We have access to a conventional (plumbed) loo during our sessions (a short walk from the woods), Children will be asked to use the toilet on arrival before we head off for the days adventure and we will return to the toilet at regular intervals throughout the day.