The Farm

Newborn Lamb Cuddles

Kisses from Barnaby

High Greenbury Farm

Idyllically located on a 1,200 acre mixed arable and livestock farm in the heart of North Yorkshire, a haven for freedom and exploration. 

At our holiday club children are given the opportunity to immerse themselves in the farming landscape that surrounds them every day. Through their interactions with the surrounding countryside, children learn about how their food is produced, how to care for animals and the opportunities for physical development and being outdoors are endless. We are passionate about children being outdoors and being exposed to the natural world at every opportunity; learning about the changing seasons, the farming calendar and the animals that inhabit the land around us from large cows to tiny ladybirds. We can see first hand how these experiences enable children's confidence to grow, assist in cognitive and physical development and alongside this improve their health and well-being. 

High Greenbury Farm is a private family run farm so we ask families to be respectful of this when they bring their child to us. We kindly ask that the speed limit of 15mph is observed on our farm track for the safety of the animals and children. We also ask that parents use the designated passing areas and avoid using the grass verge as this can create unsightly wheel marks.