
We are so grateful to financial support from various funding bodies, without which we cannot do what we want to do. 

Below lists our funded projects.

Research Funding

# 2024-2024 SIMPloy - systematic identification of material properties from literature to accelerate ML-enabled high-entropy alloys discovery workflows


WISE (Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability)/WASP (Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program) Collaboration Project, 1 M SEK (my share: 0.5M SEK)

# 2024-2027 High-temperature thermal energy storage for better utilization of renewable energy (HOTBOX)

Principal Investigator

VR (Swedish Research Council), 3,860,000 SEK

# 2023-2026 Multi-property compositionally complex magnets for advanced energy applications


European Innovation Council, ~3M Euro (my share: ~477,000 Euro)

# 2023-2025 Multi-property rare-earth-element free magnetocaloric materials

Principal Investigator

WISE (Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability), ~2.5M SEK

# 2022-2025 Electrosynthesis of high-entropy sulfides/graphene composites for advanced energy storage


The ÅForsk Foundation, 1,060, 000 SEK

# 2021-2024 Controllable development of micro/nano-structure on additively manufactured medical high-entropy alloys and their in vivo and in vitro osteogenesis

Principal Investigator

STINT (The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education) Joint China-Sweden Mobility Grant, 400,000 SEK

# 2021-2025 Lattice distortions and short range order in refractory high entropy alloys

Principal Investigator

SSF (Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research), 4,645,731 SEK

# 2020-2023 Ductile and Oxidation Resistant Ultrahigh-Temperature Materials

Principal Investigator

VR (Swedish Research Council), 3,600,000 SEK

# 2020-2021 Semisolid Processing of High-Entropy Alloys

Principal Investigator

STINT (The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education) Initiation Grants, 149,000 SEK

# 2018-2021 Developing Superior Ultrahigh-Temperature Alloys than Superalloys (SUTA)

Principal Investigator

The ÅForsk Foundation, 957, 000 SEK

# 2018-2021 Alloy Development for High Temperature Applications Using the High Entropy Concept, Part II


Strategic Innovation Program Metallic Materials, VINNOVA (Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems), 3.6 million SEK (my share: 200,000 SEK)

# 2018 On the Recrystallization Mechanisms of a Rolled Eutectic High Entropy Alloy 

Principal Investigator

ESS & MAX IV: Cross Border Science and Society, ~200,000 SEK

# 2018-2019 Additive Manufacturing of High-Entropy Alloys 

Principal Investigator

Chalmers University of Technology, Area of Advance Materials Science, 1 million SEK

# 2017-2018 Materials Development and Biomedical Applications of High-Entropy Alloys

Principal Investigator

STINT (The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education) Initiation Grants, 150,000 SEK

# 2017-2018 Alloy Development for High Temperature Applications Using the High Entropy Concept


Strategic Innovation Program Metallic Materials, VINNOVA (Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems), 1 million SEK (my share: 40,000 SEK)   

# 2017 Revealing Deformation Mechanism in a novel Eutectic High Entropy Alloy at Cryogenic to Elevated Temperatures

Principal Investigator

ESS & MAX IV: Cross Border Science and Society, ~200,000 SEK

# 2016 Funding for Software and Hardware for Materials Modelling

Principal Investigator

Chalmers University of Technology, Area of Advance Materials Science, 200,000 SEK

# 2016-2019 Eutectic High Entropy Alloys: A Promising New Class of High-Temperature Alloys

Principal Investigator

VR/Junior Researchers (Swedish Research Council), 3,768,000 SEK

# 2015-2017 Development of Novel Lightweight High-Temperature Materials

Principal Investigator

MoRE (Mobility for Regional Excellence) Programme, Region Västra Götaland, Sweden and FP7/Marie Curie, 1.1 million SEK

# 2015-2016 Materials and Mechanistic Studying of a New Class of Advanced Metallic Materials

Principal Investigator

STINT (The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education) Initiation Grants, 150,000 SEK

# 2014-2015 High Entropy Alloy Binder for Hard Metals

Principal Investigator

Research based verification funding, Innovationskontor Väst, 200, 000 SEK

# 2014-2015 High Entropy Alloy Laser Coatings

Principal Investigator

Strategic Innovation Program Metallic Materials, VINNOVA (Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems), 400, 000 SEK

# 2014-2016 High-Entropy Alloys: New Materials for High-Temperature Thermoelectric Power Generation

Principal Investigator

Chalmers University of Technology, Area of Advance Materials Science, 1 million SEK

# 2013-2017 High Entropy Alloys: Phase Stability and Mechanical Behavior

Principal Investigator

Chalmers University of Technology, Area of Advance Materials Science, 9.2 million SEK

# 2011-2013 High Entropy Alloys (HEAs): Atomic Configuration and Phase Stability

Major Participant

Hong Kong Research Grants Council, 771,650 HKD (~ 855,000 SEK)