Welcome to
Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory
@ Hongik University
Group picture at CGS grouting site
At the beginning of my career at Hongik University, I had the idea of leading the laboratory towards a spcialization in offshore geotechnical engineering. So I named the lab Hong Lab which stands for Hongik Offshore N Geotechnical Laboratory, leaving the "N" blank as it connects offshore with geotechnics and because I couldn't think of a proper word at the time. However, after several years, I realized that I should not have limited the research area to just one specific word. Currently, my main research focus is on developing a cavity detection system by Artificial Intelligence, which is quite different from my initial research focus. Should I type Neural Network for the N now? I still cannot imagine what other word would be good for N. For now, I am comfortable with leaving "N" as is. It can be any word like Next generation, New idea, New future, Novel invention, whatever the students want to pursue. Every single word should be for the future generation and I should not exploit it, and I still have Hong Lab with me.
We are seeking highly motivated candidates for master and doctoral degree. If you are interested, please reach out to me at geotech at hongik dot ac.kr
Initial vision of my laboratory in 2010 (from ppt slide I presented to lab alumni), and to this day, I have the narrative and the emblem unchanged