Time Capsule Project

For an Academic Community Engagement (ACE) project, History and Organization of Higher Education students contributed to a time capsule documenting the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic in U.S./global higher education. The class donated the time capsule to the SHSU Newton Gresham Library and their 2020 Community Archives. It was also registered with the International Time Capsule Society. The capsule will be opened in 2040 by future students in the Higher Education Administration program who will study the contents and learn more about what it was like to live and work through the pandemic.

Below are some memes selected by students for the time capsule and photos of the presentation of the capsule to the library.

HIED students Lacey Price and Kevin Glover handing off the capsule to the SHSU University Archives

The time capsule assignment was framed through the lens of higher education's response to the many historic events of 2020, including the COVID19 pandemic and the social justice movements of summer 2020

The class time capsule contained student essays, video testimonials, images, and a Spotify playlist describing the pandemic semesters of 2020. Also included were artifacts that dominated 2020 - face masks and hand sanitizer

A digital version of the time capsule was presented to Dr. Erin Owens at the NGL Library, who curated a 2020 Community Archives