ACE Projects

Academic Community Engagement (ACE) Projects are course assignments involving a collaboration between the student and a community partner. Students work on behalf of the partner while supervised by the course instructor, while earning course credit for the completion of the project.

Angel Reach

Student Shannon O. developed an ACE project focusing on "community leadership for positive change.” She contacted Angel Reach, which assists foster care youth, and set‐up special college orientation sessions with groups of their students. Hear Shannon explain her work with Angel Reach.

TRiO Student Support Services

Student Jessica B. created a video podcast on leadership for the undergraduates in Sam Houston State University's TRiO program. The office used Jessica's podcast, and others created by her classmates, at their leadership retreat and kept them as program resources. Watch Jessica's presentation on Trait Leadership.

Diversity Consultants

Students served as diversity consultants for campuses across the United States, tackling a variety of diversity, multicultural, and equity issues such as engaging students of color in engineering programs; engaging campus offices with international students; recruiting students of color to campus orientation leadership programs; and increasing Black male student retention at community colleges.

2020 Time Capsule

Students in the fall 2020 History & Organization of Higher Education course created a time capsule to document higher education administrators' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Learn more about the Time Capsule

Assessment in Action

Students in the Assessment course work on real-world projects such as user satisfaction with e-transcripts, the impact of high school recruiting visits on next semester enrollment, how a culture of care affects relationships between residence life staff and students, and efficiency of processes in an Institutional Research office.

Escape Rooms

The escape rooms on this website were ACE projects during the COVID19 pandemic. Because students had to remain socially distant from others, community partners were more difficult to obtain. Instead, students created educationally-themed escape rooms to serve as a public education project.