According to Edward G. Wertheim, Ph.D. in his article, The Importance of Effective Communication (I will leave the link below). Dr. Wertheim identified 5 Roles non-verbal cues can play in communication (I will expand on the cues a bit):

When it comes to the session room (and even sometimes in my personal life), I frequently run across the same issue: One partner shares something verbally and when doing so is completely unaware of what their tone and inflection sound like. I usually hear the receiver tell the communicator:

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Now, think about the other partner, the communicator. Can you imagine how they feel? Have you ever been told similar words? Have you used them? Put yourself in the shoes of the communicator. They had a long day, they have things on their mind. They are really trying to show up for their partner and they are being 100% authentic. In fact, they are quite proud of themselves for getting to a point in their own self development where they are able to hold a safe space and say validating statements.

I can talk for days and days about how this couple can get out of this conflict with the tools of Validation, not making assumptions, not taking things personally, etc. please see my validation blog for more info. However, once again, the purpose of this blog is to HIGHLIGHT TONE.

If only the communicator would have shared with their partner those same exact comforting words with warmth or passion in their tone and would have been fully present, everything would have been different. The entire interaction would have gone a different way. The words were spot on, the delivery was not only lack luster (unbeknownst to the communicator), it was also distancing and contradictory. Tone is used to clarify meaning and if is is contradictory, it is extremely confusing. 

I was able to intervene and support the couple with understanding how their dance could have looked differently. I asked what each of them could have done differently. The parts of the sequence I highlighted were, the noble intent behind the Communicators message, the Receiver being able to give the benefit of the doubt while sharing how they experienced the communicator and why. I then had the Communicator slow down, take a few deep breathes, get fully present, and try again.

The Communicator tried again and needless to say they nailed it! So much so that they elaborated on what they originally said and shared it with a warm tone, as well as deep, focused eye contact. The Receiver was so touched, they cried and thanked their partner. They shared they both felt closer and seen after the exercise. See what awareness, intention, accountability, and slowing down can do!

Does anyone know the name of the tone sound when you "love" a text someone sent you? It's when you press the received txt message and you can reply with a thumbs up or down, an exclamation point or a heart sign.....I'm looking for the name of the heart (love) tone

By scoring messages in terms of their tone profile and surfacing this tone profile to you, Aampe helps you find new ways to appeal to each user and learns to speak to your customers in a way that addresses their goals, desires, and motivations..

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Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team.

The tone of the poem 'The Passionate Shepherd to his Love' by Christopher Marlowe is thoughtful, contemplative and dreamy. The rhythm is gentle and sing-song - almost like a lullaby as if the poet is coaxing his love with soporific words. The whole poem reads like a daydream description. The...

poet is not talking about things as they actually are in real life, but rather as he'd like them to be -asking his sweetheart to come live with him and be his love. In idyllic language and neat verses, he spells out some of thepastoralscenes they could enjoy together - mostly only the attractive parts of theagricultural life. he pays scant regard to the harsh necessities such a 'love'might have to be prepared to undertake in terms of farm labouring and animalhusbandry. We are left to wonder whether she will be convinced!

Traditionally, this type of poem would have the speaker telling his belovedthat she should fall in love with him and they would be able to live happilyever after, generally in a rural setting (rural settings were seen as more calmand contented than urban ones).

In this poem, Marlowe still does this, but he takes it to a ridiculousextreme. He promises all sorts of things that could never possiblyhappen. Because of this, I think the best way to describe the tone is"ironic" or "exaggerated."

Despite the apparent simplicity of Marlowe's famous poem, its tone ismulti-faceted. Above all the expression is a worshipful one, of both thespeaker's love and of nature. It is also hypnotic in tone. The words arebeautiful in the musical way that entrances the reader, as the shepherd isattempting to do with the girl he is wooing. If there is a quality about thetone that is paradoxical in some sense, it lies in the fact that the wordscould be construed as almost banal (by a cynic) in their way, and yet they areastonishing in the variety, in the multiplicity, of the ideas Marlowe uses toconvey a simple thought.

As in pastoral poetry in general, the tone is intended to invoke an Eden, arealm in which man and woman can enjoy the fruits of the earth without fear orguilt. Above all, then, there is an innocence projected by the speaker, eventhough he is attempting a seduction. This could be seen as a kind of irony atthe heart of the poem. One also can say that the wording is so smooth andgentle (and this is why it's hypnotic) that it could put one to sleep, like alullaby.

Marlowe's poem inspired other poets to write "answers" to it, the mostfamous of which is probably Raleigh's "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd." Whatis interesting, apart from the fact that Raleigh's poem is also great, is thatalthough its meaning is in some way the opposite of Marlowe's, one can findmore similarities than differences between the "tone" of the two poems.

I'd love to see different alert tones available for forms, revisits, chats, etc., and perhaps something more intense for incoming chats as they can be easy to miss even with all alert types set to on. As I'm often multitasking, the only thing that ensures I get to a chat within a few minutes is the alert noise, but it's a quick noise that can be missed (We're often on the phone). So, by the time I see the email notification or the notification on my HubSpot page, the user has often left our website already. Perhaps a big red pop up or something like that

We are doing some customer research and testing out a prototype for adjusting the sound and would love to talk to some of you here who have been facing issues with this. Feel free to DM me if you are interested and I will send over a meeting link.

We have scheduled work on a PoC for sound customization in the Notification workflow action as a start. Would love to get some folks from here for feedback once we have that PoC ready to show around. Will keep you all updated.

@Aworrall13 Great to know it works for you.

@StatMedInc We definitely understand your pain. The new sound should at least fix the issue of the sound being too low/too loud. However, we empathize with the pain of not having the right sound for the team and are aware of the need to have multiple sounds to choose from and reviewing this request at the moment.

I don't understand why Hubspot doesn't have better alerts for Chats. All the others ones we offered, beep more than once or becomes more obvious. You only get one little ding and it's easy to miss that they started a chat or responded. Makes multitasking hard if you are focusing on waiting for someone to respond.

I like the way I'm able to personalise the chat with automatic replies and giving people the chance to leave their email, but 1 minute is very little and we never manage to answer in time, when you can't hear when someone is active in the chat.

I agree that there should be more options for notifications sounds (especially when I am away from my desk with a headset on). The sound is too short and doesn't actually come through my headset (it takes about 2 seconds to connect the audio), so it is very easy to miss a notification. Live chats are important to our company, and we don't ever want to miss them.

This is a huge issue. The sound is so low and "tick tick tick". It is definitely losing us sales. We need a louder more reliable notification sound when there is a chat so that we can answer our clients promptly.

Totally agree! We became a hubspot customer through the free website chat app and we have missed so many incoming chats that we are looking elsewhere. A notification menu can't be that difficult and it is very important to me.

Update: I have replaced this with Live Chat and it fits the bill perfectly. They also have an HS connector if you want all chats going into your HS database. If HS can get theirs to work like this, It will be a good reason not to go elsewhere for the rest of the CRM

I could not agree more with this!! I miss EVERY chat! I have been asking for this for years. Capture visitors live is essential for any online business. It just blows my mind that Hubspot is ignoring this request!

This is a huge problem for me. I want to use chat as I want to be responsive to visitors, but I NEVER hear whatever notification you have. If I could set it to a unique sound that is unusual for my system, then I would pay attention. My hosting provider has a SUBMARINE PING that is unmistakable on their chat.

This is a wonderful idea and I truly hope this feature gets implemented soon! This is an issue that our Customer Service Representatives face quite frequently and occasionally impacts SLAs (as they are always multi-tasking). An added ringtone when a customer replies with a chat or email would be a huge improvement. 152ee80cbc

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