My Purpose on Earth Program

If you are wondering  what career fits you this program could help, If you want to use your gifts and talents, this program could help. If you are not sure who you are and what makes you unique, this program could help. If you want to be the best version of yourself and walk in your God-given purpose, this program can help. If you do not just want to get by doing what you have to, this program can help.

This program is a personal look at you and your purpose. You will learn what specific reasons you are here for this time and this moment in time. You can find out how to know the real you and leverage it to be all you want to be.  Find out your unique assignment on planet earth

 This program is creative. You will take quizzes, watch videos, hear songs and it will all be a part of you discovering your purpose for this season in you life! It is FUN. This program is all about purpose and how you fit in God's plan. 

Each week you will learn about your purpose and practical ways to tap into it! You will be able to stop stressing and start thriving! You get to be authentically YOU!

If you are interested, fill out the interest form. We will contact you and let you know your next steps.