If you survived divorce, was abused or experienced sexual misconduct, this program could help, If you have constant fighting or emotional pain in your relationships, this program could help. If you fight insecurity, negativity, depression, lack of energy this program could help. Even if you feel like everything in your life is stable, it cannot harm you to learn and share basics that can provide stability and a chance to thrive.

Many times in life we have experienced traumas or had circumstances that caused us to miss building blocks for our lives. Every day people experience rejection, emotional abuse, stress, and losses. We try to ride it out but, it affects us. Missing pieces in our foundations can cause cracks in our lives. This simple program provides some basics in foundations in your personal lives.

 Using simple video and group interactions, this program is an easy and fun way to talk about you life and how to make some minor corrections to get a more meaningful walk in life. Your personal coach will help you to discover areas you can enjoy the personal foundations that work for you. Having some core foundations to face life can reduce stress, provide hope, reverse depression and more. Allow yourself the luxury of exploring your foundations for life. 

If you are interested, fill out the interest form. We will contact you and let you know your next steps.

My Personal Foundations