Groups and Events

Happy Healthy You is based online and it is not uncommon for us to gather from time to time. Because we are Christ-centered, we often have other online and in person groups going on. If you want to get plugged in, check the list and instructions per group. Once you do the work to make friends, and be known, it is great to have really genuine friends you can share as you journey towards God. If you have a group idea and do not see what you need please, use the Contact Us link to share your needs or ideas. Let's get connected!

Monday Night Happy Healthy Group

This is an ongoing core group for the Happy Healthy Ladies. It meets online using Zoom most every Monday night from 6 to 7:30 ish Central Standard Time. Join Zoom Meeting Information: Here is a link to the meeting: Meeting ID: 840 914 3688 Passcode: 4UgaN6

Elijah (Faith and Fire) by Priscilla Shirer Study Group--- This group is no longer open and is in session, scroll down and see what else you can still do with us!

This is a closed group. What that means is we have a limited amount of attendees slots. This study will require the purchase of the Elijah book by Priscilla Shirer. Here is a link to purchase the book: study requires you to commit to attend the meetings and engage. This is an amazing study! Starts Thursday, July 29. Times for the Event is from 6:30pm-7:30 pm. To register and be considered for attendance, Click Here.

Beyond Going Live Event (Priscilla Shirer in Birmingham, AL)

This is a paid for Event. It is $85 Registration and optional $15 for lunch. You must buy your ticket and then register to let us know if you want to join with us! It is going to be amazing!!!


September 11, 2021


Bill Harris Arena

2337 Bessemer Road

Birmingham, AL 35208-3511

Powerful Biblical Truth to Shake You Out of Routine Faith Once And For All!

At Going Beyond Live, you won’t find sugar-coated truths or half-hearted declarations. Instead, you’ll experience:

  • Whole-hearted teaching to inspire and challenge you to step into God’s plan for your life

  • Powerful worship that centers your heart on Christ

  • Fellowship with other believers who will encourage you in your walk with Christ

Are you ready? Click Here to learn about the schedule and to buy tickets.

Then when you are signed up and paid up...


If you want to meet up and ride together please let us know in the comments so more information can be shared with you. We do not have pick ups at this time.

Seven Fun Saturdays

This local fellowship group for women and men will meet at the Leader's house (or designated location.) We will have a light devotional and prayer. Outings will include visiting a Catholic Historic Local castle in Hanceville, AL, the Huntsville Botanical Garden and Butterfly Center, Birmingham Botanical Gardens, A Fall Festival, A Christmas Theme Event, and more. We will often eat lunch in the area. This is time for you to laugh, restore, make great friends and have adventures.

Tentative Dates: Saturdays Sept 2, 18; October 2, 16; November 13, 27 December 11.

To Register Click Here.

Renew Beach Retreat (Dates To Be Announced)

If you want to absorb the beauty of the ocean and catch a wave of the refreshing from the Holy Spirit, you can! You can use the Registration Form to show your interest and the Contact Us to tell us any details. Click our link below and see the house, the itinerary, and more. Space is limited. Grab a place while you can.