Czar: The Russian Term for ruler/emperor, often assuming total power

Pale of Settlement: Western region of the Russia with differentiating borders that existed during 1791 to 1917

Crimean War: A fight between the Russian Czar, Nicholas I and the Ottoman Emperor, Abdulmejid I, to determine which empire would have power over Orthodox Christians residing in Ottoman territory

Kahal: A Yiddish term for a local executive board of Jewish communities, specifically that in Russia, that organize and regulate taxes/laws

Pogroms: Originates from the Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.”, were a series of violent attacks by local non-Jewish populations on Jews in the Russian Empire

Canaan: The ancient region lying between the Jordan, the Dead Sea, and the Mediterranean: the land promised by God to Abraham

Covenent: An agreement

Torah: The first five books of the Hebrew Bible, mostly the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy

Synagogue: A Jewish place of worship that also acts as a school and community center

Crusades: A series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims started primarily to secure control of holy sites

Cantillation: Ritual chanting of prayers and responses

Synagogue Liturgy: The prayer recitations that form part of the observance of Rabbinic Judaism

10 Commandments: Set of biblical principles relating to ethics and worship originally from the Jewish tradition that play a fundamental role in Judaism and Christianity

Jewish/Yiddish Terms

Mazel Tov: Expressing congratulations or wishing someone good luck 

Siddur: Jewish prayer book

L'Chaim: A toast meaning "to life"

Oy Vey: Indicating dismay or grief 

Balaboosta: The perfect housewife and mother

Nosh: A little snack

Kvetch: To nag or complain

Schlep: To drag or haul

Mentch: A good person

Tachlis: Often used as a colloquialism to mean "quickly get to the point."

Klutz: A clumsy or awkward person.

Plotz: To collapse or faint, as from surprise, excitement, or exhaustion

Shmooze: To chat

Shande: A scandal, shame

Schtick: A gimmick, comic routine, or bit

Chutzpah: Supreme self-confidence : nerve, audacity (Mostly positive, but can be negative)

Meshuggeneh: A crazy fool

Bubbe and Zeide: Grandmother and Grandfather