
Welcome to participants

Marked colimits and higher cofinality
Fernando Abellán García

Grothendieck homotopy theory and polynomial monads
Michael Batanin

How do field theories detect the torsion in topological modular forms?
Daniel Berwick-Evans

Rational homotopy theory and higher algebra
Urtzi Buijs

Approaching higher limits from homotopy theory
Guillermo Carrión Santiago

Local Gorenstein duality
Natàlia Castellana

Hermitian K-theory of stable -categories
Emanuele Dotto

A categorified DoldKan correspondence
Tobias Dyckerhoff

Goodwillie towers of -categories and desuspension
Daniel Fuentes-Keuthan

Homotopy-coherent distributivity and the universal property of bispans
Rune Haugseng

Support theory for triangulated categories in algebra and topology

Drew Heard

The Waldhausen S-construction and the symplectic geometry of surfaces and their symmetric products
Gustavo Jasso

Progress in operad-like theories with a focus on Feynman categories

Ralph Kaufmann

Equivariant factorization homology and tools for studying it
Inbar Klang

Operads, properads, and more
Martin Markl

Chromatic localizations of algebraic K-theory
Lennart Meier

Varieties of trees
Ieke Moerdijk

A spectral sequence for tangent cohomology of algebras over algebraic operads
José Manuel Moreno Fernández

Polynomial functors and K-theory

Thomas Nikolaus

Minimal models for graph-related operadic algebras
Jovana Obradović

2-categorical opfibrations, Quillen's Theorem B, and S–1S
Angélica Osorno

Exploring (∞, n)-categories through n-complicial sets Part 2
Viktoriya Ozornova

Classification of module spectra and Franke's algebraicity conjecture
Irakli Patchkoria

Traces from K-theory and zeta functions
Kate Ponto

The fundamental group of a simplicial cocommutative coalgebra
Manuel Rivera

Exploring (∞, n)-categories through n-complicial sets Part 1
Martina Rovelli

Generalizing Quillen's Theorem A
Walker Stern

Tangent complexes and the Diamond Lemma: homotopical methods for term rewriting
Pedro Tamaroff

Broken lines and Floer theory over spectra
Hiro Lee Tanaka

Higher Segal spaces via higher excision
Tashi Walde

Model category structures and spectral sequences
Sarah Whitehouse

Real categorical representation theory in topology and physics
Matt Young