
Fernando Abellán García (Universität Hamburg)
Marked colimits and higher cofinality

Thursday, February 4th, 17:30-18:45

In this talk I will introduce the notion of marked colimits in ∞-bicategories, providing a natural framework to interpret Theorem A from the previous talk as a higher cofinality statement. Relevant examples will be discussed, as a well the relation of marked colimits with weighted colimits. The main result that I will discuss is the following:

Let C , D be -categories equipped with a collection of marked morphisms and let f be a functor from C to D that preserves the marking. Then f is a marked cofinal functor (i.e., restriction along f preserves marked colimits) if and only if the conditions of Theorem A are satisfied.

Michael Batanin​ (Centre de Recerca Matemàtica)
Grothendieck homotopy theory and polynomial monads

Friday, February 12th, 9:30-10:45

Grothendieck developed in Pursuing Stacks [5] a beautiful axiomatic approach to homotopy theory as a theory of localisations of the category of small categories Cat. This theory was further deepened by Cisinski in [3, 4].

The category of polynomial monads PolyMon contains Cat as a full subcategory of "linear" monads. It is natural to ask how the homotopy theory of Grothendieck, or at least some parts of it, can be extended to PolyMon.

In this talk we show that many fundamental constructions of Grothendieck theory have their analogues in the word of polynomial monads. This includes: Quillen Theorem A, Grothendieck constructions, Thomason theorem, homotopy left Kan extensions, the theory of final functors, Cisinski localisations, etc.

As an illustration we consider two applications:

  • A theory of delooping of mapping spaces between algebras of polynomial monads developed in [1]. A seminal theorem of DwyerHessTurchin of double delooping of space of long knots will be a consequence.

  • A theory of locally constant algebras of polynomial monads from [2] which generalises Cisinski's theory of locally constant functors [3, 4]. If time permits a sketch of a proof of stabilisation theorem for higher braided operads which, in its turn, implies BaezDolan stabilisation for higher categories, will be provided.


[1] Batanin M. and De Leger F., Polynomial monads and delooping of mapping spaces, J. Noncommut. Geom. 13 (2019), 15211576.

[2] Batanin M. and White D., Homotopy theory of algebras of substitudes and their localisation, arXiv:2001.05432.

[3] Cisinski D.-C., Les préfaisceaux comme modèles des types d'homotopie, Astérisque 308, 2006.

[4] Cisinski D.-C., Locally constant functors, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 147 (2009), 593614.

[5] Grothendieck A., Pursuing Stacks, Manuscript, 1983.

Daniel Berwick-Evans (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
How do field theories detect the torsion in topological modular forms?

Monday, February 1st, 18:30-19:45

Since the mid 1980s, there have been hints of a connection between 2-dimensional field theories and elliptic cohomology. This led to Stolz and Teichner's conjectured geometric model for the universal elliptic cohomology theory of topological modular forms (TMF), for which cocycles are 2-dimensional (supersymmetric) field theories. Properties of these field theories lead naturally to the expected integrality and modularity properties of classes in TMF. However, the abundant torsion in TMF has always been mysterious from the field theory point of view. In this talk, we will describe a map from 2-dimensional field theories to a cohomology theory that approximates TMF. This map affords a cocycle description of certain torsion classes. In particular, we will explain how a choice of anomaly cancelation for the supersymmetric sigma model with target S3 determines a cocycle representative of the generator of π3(TMF)=Z/24.

Urtzi Buijs (Universidad de Málaga)
Rational homotopy theory and higher algebra

Tuesday, February 2nd, 11:00-12:15

Rational homotopy theory is a branch of topology which studies the “non-torsion” behaviour of the homotopy type of topological spaces. Despite having its origins in the 60’s in the work of Daniel Quillen and Dennis Sullivan, new approaches using higher algebra have been developed in the last decades.

In this talk, we will revise some classical constructions in terms of infinity structures and show some recent results in this direction. Summarizing, we will offer old wine in a new bottle with some fancy tapas.

Guillermo Carrión Santiago (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)​

Approaching higher limits from homotopy theory

Friday, February 5th, 16:45-18:00

Higher limits are the higher derived functors of the inverse limit construction for functors taking values in abelian groups. Classically, they are computed using tools from homological algebra.

In algebraic topology, the cohomology of a homotopy colimit of a diagram spaces can be approach via a spectral sequence whose E2 page consists precisely of the higher limits of the functor obtained from applying cohomology to the diagram of spaces. In particular, if the higher limits vanish, then the cohomology of the homotopy colimit is just the inverse limit of the cohomologies. There are many vanishing results, for example the Mittag-Leffler property [2, Section 3.5] or the pseudo-projectivity property [1].

We study the case where the category P is a poset with an order preserving map d: PN. If we consider the injective model category on the functor category Fun(P, Ch(Ab)), a functor is pseudo-projective if it is cofibrant.

In this talk we will show how we can use the techniques from model categories, inspired by homotopy theory, to describe higher limits in this situation when the indexing category is a poset. We will give explicit bounds for the vanishing of higher limits in terms of properties of the functor improving previous results.


[1] Diaz Ramos, A., A family of acyclic functors, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 213.5 (2009), 783794.

[2] Weibel, C., An Introduction to Homological Algebra, Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Natàlia Castellana (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Local Gorenstein duality

Friday, February 5th, 11:00-12:15

There are several equivalent characterizatons of local commutative Gorenstein rings, which, in stable homotopy theory, have inspired the notions of Gorenstein ring spectrum (DwyerGreenleesIyengar [4]) and Gorenstein duality [6]. We investigate when a commutative ring spectrum R satisfies a homotopical version of local Gorenstein duality introduced by BarthelHeardValenzuela [2], extending the notion previously studied by Greenlees, and which has structural implications on the homotopy groups of the ring spectrum.

In order to do this, we prove an ascent theorem for local Gorenstein duality along morphisms of k-algebras [1]. Our main examples are of the form R = C*(X; k), the ring spectrum of cochains on a space X for a field k. In particular, we establish local Gorenstein duality in characteristic p for p-compact groups [5] and p-local finite groups [3] as well as for k = Q and X a simply connected space which is Gorenstein in the sense of Dwyer, Greenlees, and Iyengar.


[1] Tobias Barthel, Natàlia Castellana, Drew Heard, and Gabriel Valenzuela, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 225(2) (2021).

[2] Tobias Barthel, Drew Heard, and Gabriel Valenzuela, Local duality for structured ring spectra, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 222(2) (2018), 433463.

[3] Carles Broto, Ran Levi, and Bob Oliver, The homotopy theory of fusion systems, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 16(4) (2003), 779856.

[4] William Dwyer, John Greenlees, and Srikanth Iyengar, Duality in algebra and topology, Adv. Math. 200(2) (2006), 357402.

[5] William Dwyer and Clarence Wilkerson, Homotopy fixed-point methods for Lie groups and finite loop spaces, Ann. of Math. (2) 139(2) (1994), 395442.

[6] John Greenlees, Homotopy invariant commutative algebra over fields, In: Building Bridges between Algebra and Topology, Advanced Courses in Math. CRM Barcelona, pages 103169, Birkhäuser/Springer, Cham, 2018.

Emanuele Dotto (University of Warwick)
Hermitian K-theory of stable -categories

Friday, February 5th, 15:15-16:30

The talk will give an overview of Grothendieck–Witt theory in the higher categorical formalism of stable -categories equipped with a Poincaré structure. As an example of the flexibility of this framework, we will see how to relate the Grothendieck–Witt groups to Ranicki's L-groups and how to prove a strong version of Karoubi's periodicity theorem without assuming that 2 is invertible in the base ring.

This is joint work with Calmès, Harpaz, Hebestreit, Land, Moi, Nardin, Nikolaus and Steimle.

Tobias Dyckerhoff (Universität Hamburg)
A categorified DoldKan correspondence

Thursday, February 4th, 9:30-10:45

The transition from Betti numbers to homology groups was a decisive step turning the subject previously known as combinatorial topology into what is nowadays called algebraic topology. Further, the accompanying foundations of homological algebra are of universal nature so that they can be applied in a wide range of other mathematical subjects where they have come to play an essential role.

In this talk, we discuss the idea of categorifying homological algebra one step further, replacing complexes of abelian groups by complexes of enhanced triangulated categories, illustrated by a concrete result: a categorification of the classical DoldKan correspondence.

Daniel Fuentes-Keuthan (Johns Hopkins University)
Goodwillie towers of -categories and desuspension

Tuesday, February 9th, 16:15-17:30

We reconceptualize the process of forming n-excisive approximations to -categories, in the sense of Heuts [1], as inverting the suspension functor lifted to An-cogroup objects. We characterize n-excisive -categories as those -categories in which An-cogroup objects admit desuspensions. Applying this result to pointed spaces we reprove a theorem of KleinSchwänzlVogt [2]: every 2-connected cogroup-like A-space admits a desuspension.

This is joint work with Klaus O. Johnson and Michael River.


[1] G. Heuts, Goodwillie approximations to higher categories, arXiv:1510.03304, 2018.

[2] J. Klein, R. Schwänzl, and R. Vogt, Comultiplication and suspension, Topology and its Applications, 1997.

Rune Haugseng (NTNU Trondheim)
Homotopy-coherent distributivity and the universal property of bispans

Thursday, February 4th, 11:00-12:15

Structures where we have both a contravariant (pullback) and a covariant (pushforward) functoriality that satisfy base change can be encoded by functors out of (∞-)categories of spans (or correspondences). In some cases we have two pushforwards (an "additive'' and a "multiplicative'' one), satisfying a distributivity relation. Such structures can be described in terms of bispans (or polynomial diagrams). For example, commutative semirings can be described in terms of bispans of finite sets, while bispans in finite G-sets can be used to encode Tambara functors, which are the structure on π0 of G-equivariant commutative ring spectra.

Motivated by applications of the ∞-categorical upgrade of such descriptions to motivic and equivariant ring spectra, I will discuss the universal property of (, 2)-categories of bispans [1]. This gives a universal way to obtain functors from bispans, which amounts to upgrading "monoid-like'' structures to "ring-like'' ones. In the talk I will focus on the simplest case of bispans in finite sets, where this gives a new construction of the semiring structure on a symmetric monoidal ∞-category whose tensor product commutes with coproducts.


[1] Elden Elmanto and Rune Haugseng, On distributivity in higher algebra I: The universal property of bispans, arXiv:2010.15722.

Drew Heard (NTNU Trondheim)
Support theory for triangulated categories in algebra and topology

Wednesday, February 3rd, 12:30-13:45

We will survey the support theory of triangulated categories through the machinery of tensor-triangulated geometry. We will discuss the stratification theory of BensonIyengarKrause for triangulated categories, the construction by Balmer of the spectrum of a tensor-triangulated category, and the relation between the two. Time permitting, we will discuss a recent application to the category of derived Mackey functors.

Gustavo Jasso (Universität Bonn)

The Waldhausen S-construction and the symplectic geometry of surfaces and their symmetric products

Tuesday, February 2nd, 17:00-18:15

In this talk I will describe how the Waldhausen S-construction and its higher-dimensional variants arise in relation to the symplectic geometry of surfaces and their symmetric products. More concretely, I will discuss the role of Auroux's partially wrapped Fukaya categories in this context, with emphasis in the special case of disks and the A-structures that arise in this case.

The talk is based on joint work with T. Dyckerhoff and Y. Lekili and with T. Dyckerhoff and T. Walde.

Ralph Kaufmann (University of Purdue​​)

Progress in operad-like theories with a focus on Feynman categories

Monday, February 8th, 16:15-17:30

In the past years, several genereralization of operads have been considered. We will briefly give a quick overview and then turn to a particularly effective formulation —Feynman categories.

The basic setup is categorical, as the name suggests, and this allows to consider many natural constructions. One important aspect are representations, which are functors in this setting. These include algebras, operads and other more intricate or less sophisticated gadgets. In this respect the theory is analogous to representations of groups with restriction, induction and Frobenius reciprocity.

We will give a gentle introduction and as time allows, we may highlight various other constructions and applications achieved ranging from categorical considerations like comprehension schemes and Hopf-algebraic aspects to moduli spaces of curves.

These results are partly in collaboration with B. Ward, J. Lucas, I. Gálvez-Carrillo, A. Tonks, C. Berger, M. Monaco, M. Markl and M. Batanin (in chronological order).

Inbar Klang (Columbia University)

Equivariant factorization homology and tools for studying it

Thursday, February 11th, 16:15-17:30

Factorization homology arose from BeilinsonDrinfeld's algebro-geometric approach to conformal field theory, and from study of labeled configuration spaces due to McDuff, Segal, Salvatore, Andrade, and others. In this talk, I will give an introduction to factorization homology and equivariant factorization homology. I will then discuss joint work with Asaf Horev and Foling Zou, in which we prove a "non-abelian Poincaré duality" theorem for equivariant factorization homology, and study the equivariant factorization homology of equivariant Thom spectra. In particular, this provides an avenue for computing certain equivariant analogues of topological Hochschild homology.

Martin Markl (Akademie věd České republiky)
Operads, properads and more

Monday, February 1st, 11:00-12:15

We will provide a guided tour through the menagerie of various operad- and PROP-like structures. Our approach will be based on pasting schemes, although other approaches will also be mentioned.

Lennart Meier (Universiteit Utrecht)

Chromatic localizations of algebraic K-theory

Wednesday, February 3rd, 9:30-10:45

A classic result of Waldhausen says essentially that algebraic K-theory preserves rational equivalences between connective ring spectra. From the viewpoint of chromatic homotopy theory, rationalization is just the zeroth level of chromatic localizations. Based on work of ClausenMathewNaumannNoel we showed in joint work with Land, Mathew and Tamme that in general the n-th chromatic level of the algebraic K-theory of a ring spectrum depends only on the n-th and (n 1)-st chromatic level of the ring spectrum. This has in particular implications for red shift questions in the spirit of Ausoni and Rognes.

Ieke Moerdijk (Universiteit Utrecht)

Varieties of trees

Monday, February 1st, 9:30-10:45

In this lecture we will present various categories of trees, together with Quillen model structures on the associated categories of simplicial presheaves. The central example is formed by the category Omega and the complete Segal model structure on its simplicial presheaves, which provides a model for the homotopy theory of infinity-operads analogous to (and in fact, in a strict sense, containing) Rezk's complete Segal model for infinity categories. But unlike this simplicial case, the case of trees allows for many variations of the underlying category of trees as well as of the model structure. To mention a few variations, one obtains in this way model categories for the homotopy category of unital operads, that of algebras over a given infinity-operad, and that of infinite loop spaces, for example.

The lecture will survey these topics in a hopefully generally accessible way. Later in the programme, we will go into some more technical aspects of the theory.

Reference: G. Heuts, I. Moerdijk, Trees in Algebra and Geometry An introduction to dendroidal homotopy theory (draft of book available on our websites).

José Manuel Moreno Fernández (Universidad ​de Sevilla)

A spectral sequence for tangent cohomology of algebras over algebraic operads

Tuesday, February 2nd, 12:30-13:45

We produce a spectral sequence that converges to the operadic cohomology of a fixed algebra over an algebraic operad. Our main tool is that of filtrations arising from towers of cobrations of algebras. These play the role in algebra that cell attaching maps and skeletal filtrations do for topological spaces.

As an application, we consider the rational AdamsHilton construction on topological spaces, where our spectral sequence is multiplicative and converges to the ChasSullivan loop product. We also consider relative Sullivan models of a fibration p, where our spectral sequence converges to the rational homotopy groups of the identity component of the space of self-fiber-homotopy equivalences of p; and the Quillen model of a space, where our spectral sequence converges to the homotopy groups of the classifying space of the identity component of the self-equivalences of the space.


[1] Moreno-Fernández, J., Tamaroff, P., A spectral sequence for tangent cohomology of algebraic operads, arXiv:2008.00876 (2020).

Thomas Nikolaus (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)

Polynomial functors and K-theory

Wednesday, February 3rd, 11:00-12:15

We will report on (long overdue) joint work with Clark Barwick, Saul Glasman and Akhil Mathew. Algebraic K-theory of a ring or more generally an additive category is, by its definition as a group completion, functorial in additive functors. We prove that it is in fact functorial in more functors: the so-called polynomial functors (in the sense of EilenbergMac Lane) and still satisfies a universal property. This generalizes previous results by Passi, Dold and others. We will in fact show this for a stable ∞-category and polynomial (= n-excisive) functors in the sense of Goodwillie. If time permits, we will explain applications of this result for lambda-ring structures on algebraic K-theory and give the definition of a spectral lambda ring (i.e., a higher algebra version of a lambda ring).

Jovana Obradović (Akademie věd České republiky)

Minimal models for graph-related operadic algebras

Monday, February 1st, 15:30-16:45

We construct explicit minimal models for the (hyper)operads governing modular, cyclic and ordinary operads. Algebras for these models are homotopy versions of the corresponding structures.

This is joint work with Batanin and Markl.

Angélica Osorno (Reed College)
2-categorical opfibrations, Quillen's Theorem B, and S –1S

Thursday, February 11th, 19:15-20:30

Quillen recognized the higher algebraic K-groups of a commutative ring R as the homotopy groups of the topological group completion of the classifying space of the category of finitely generated projective R-modules. He moreover proved that the topological group completion could be obtained categorically via his S –1S construction. In this talk we will present a 2-categorical version of this result. As part of the proof, we will give a comparison between strict and lax pullbacks for 2-categorical opfibrations, which gives a version of Quillen's Theorem B amenable to applications. This is joint work with Nick Gurski and Niles Johnson.

Viktoriya Ozornova (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)

Exploring (∞, n)-categories through n-complicial sets Part 2

Friday, February 12th, 12:30-13:45

With the rising significance of (, n)-categories, it is important to have easy-to-handle models for those and understand them as much as possible. In these talks we will discuss the model of n-complicial sets, and study how one can realize convenient representatives of strict n-categories, which encode universal indexing shapes for diagrams valued in (∞, n)-categories. We will focus on n = 2, for which more results are available, but keep an eye towards the general case.

Irakli Patchkoria (University of Aberdeen)

Classification of module spectra and Franke's algebraicity conjecture

Friday, February 5th, 9:30-10:45

This is all joint work with Piotr Pstrągowski. Given an E1-ring R such that the graded homotopy ring π* R is q-sparse and the global projective dimension d of π* R is less than q, we show that the homotopy (qd)-category of Mod(R) is equivalent to the homotopy (qd)-category of differential graded modules over π* R. Thus for such E1-rings the homotopy theory of their modules is algebraic up to the level (q d). Examples include appropriate Morava K-theories, Johnson–Wilson theories, truncated Brown–Peterson theories and some variations of topological K-theory spectra. We also show that the result is optimal in the sense that (q d) is the best possible level in general where algebraicity happens. At the end of the talk we will outline how the results for modules can be generalised to the settings where we do not have compact projective generators. This proves Franke's algebraicity conjecture, which provides a general result when certain nice homology theories provide algebraic models for homotopy theories.

Kate Ponto (University of Kentucky)
Traces from K-theory and zeta functions

Tuesday, February 9th, 17:45-19:00

When defining mathematical invariants there is usually give and take between computability and power. Algebraic K-theory imposes a very useful additivity property but still leaves us with significant computational difficulty. Considering homomorphisms from K-theory to other groups via the Dennis trace and its spectral generalizations is one way to approach this problem. In this talk I’ll describe settings where this often opaque map can be connected to characteristic polynomials and zeta functions.

Manuel Rivera (University of Purdue)
The fundamental group of a simplicial cocommutative coalgebra

Monday, February 1st, 17:00-18:15

In this talk I will describe a functor F from the category of connected simplicial cocommutative coalgebras to differential graded bialgebras satisfying the following properties:

1) if C is the simplicial cocomutative coalgebra of chains on a reduced simplicial set X, then the dg bialgebra F (C ) is naturally quasi-isomorphic to the chains on the based loop space of |X|;

2) F is homotopical in the sense that it sends "Koszul weak equivalences" (also called "Ω -quasi-isomorphisms") of simplicial cocommutative coalgebras to quasi-isomorphisms of dg bialgebras.

The composition Π1 = G H0 F, where H0 denotes zero-th homology and G denotes group-like elements, gives rise to a functor from connected simplicial cocomutative coalgebras to the category of groups, which recovers the fundamental group when applied to chains on a simplicial set. We use this construction to extend theorems of Quillen, Sullivan, Mandell, and Goerss to the setting of non-simply connected spaces. The end goal of the program is to provide a complete algebraic (homological) characterization of homotopy types. Some of the results discussed are a joint work with Mahmoud Zeinalian and Felix Wierstra [1].


[1] Manuel Rivera, Felix Wierstra, Mahmoud Zeinalian, The simplicial coalgebra of chains determines homotopy types rationally and one prime at a time, arXiv:2006.05362.

María O. Ronco (Universidad de Talca)

Primitive operads for generalized dendriform operads


Dendriform algebras were introduced by J.-L. Loday in [4], even if the first example of them was yet described by S. Eilenberg and S. Mac Lane in [1]. The operad of dendriform algebras is regular and Hopf, and their operad of primitive elements is the symmetric operad of braces.

We shall introduce the Hopf operads Dyckm (see [5]), for m ≥ 0, where Dyck0 is the operad of associative algebras and Dyck1 is the operad of dendriform algebras. There exist dierent escriptions of Dyckm, in terms of generators and relations, which give new identities on dendriform algebras and allow us to compute the operads of primitive elements for this family of operads. This is a joint work with M. Livernet and D. López.

We shall apply these ideas to study combinatorial Hopf algebras (introduced in [6], [3] and [2]), associated to multipermutations and to finite partially ordered sets.


[1] Samuel Eilenberg, Saunders Mac Lane, On the groups H(Π, n), I, Annals of Mathematics, vol. 58, no. 1 (1953), 55106.

[2] Loïc Foissy, Claudia Malvenuto, The Hopf algebra of finite topologies and T-partitions, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, vol. 118, no. 4 (2011), 13221333.

[3] Florent Hivert, Vincent Pilaud, Signalectic operads, Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, 84B.6 (2020), 12 pp.

[4] Jean-Louis Loday, Dialgebras, in: Dialgebras and related operads, Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 1763, Springer, Berlin, 2001, 766.

[5] Daniel López, Louis-François Préville-Ratelle, María Ronco, A simplicial complex splitting associativity, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, vol. 224, no. 5 (2020).

[6] Vincent Pilaud, Vivianne Pons, The Hopf algebra of integer binary relations, IRMA Lectures in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (Algebraic Combinatorics, Resurgence, Moulds and Applications, CARMA), vol. 31 (2020), 299344.

Martina Rovelli (University of Massachusetts)

Exploring (∞, n)-categories through n-complicial sets Part 1

Friday, February 12th, 11:00-12:15

With the rising significance of (, n)-categories, it is important to have easy-to-handle models for those and understand them as much as possible. In these talks we will discuss the model of n-complicial sets, and study how one can realize convenient representatives of strict n-categories, which encode universal indexing shapes for diagrams valued in (∞, n)-categories. We will focus on n = 2, for which more results are available, but keep an eye towards the general case.

Walker Stern (University of Virginia​)

Generalizing Quillen's Theorem A

Thursday, February 4th, 16:00-17:15

Quillen's Theorem A, introduced and proved in [2], provides conditions under which a functor F : CD of 1-categories induces a weak equivalence |N(C)| → |N(D)| of classifying spaces. In this talk, we will discuss two possible ways of generalizing this criterion: working with functors of 2-categories, or finding conditions under which F induces an equivalence between some -categorical localizations of C and D. Combining these two approaches will lead us to a single generalization of the classical Theorem A to 2-categories equipped with a set of marked morphisms. We will sketch the proof of this generalization provided in [1], and discuss implications.

This work is part of a broader project, aimed at providing computational techniques for (∞, 2)-categories in their avatar as scaled simplicial sets. In the next talk, Fernando Abellán García will discuss a related facet of this project, related to (co)limits in (∞, 2)-categories.


[1] Fernando Abellán García and Walker H. Stern, Theorem A for marked 2-categories, arXiv:2002.12817.

[2] Daniel Quillen, Higher Algebraic K-theory I: Higher K-Theories, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 341. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Pedro Tamaroff (Trinity College Dublin)

Tangent complexes and the Diamond Lemma: homotopical methods for term rewriting

Monday, February 8th, 17:45-19:00

Term rewriting has been an indispensable tool to approach various computational problems involving associative algebras and algebraic operads, their homology theories and their deformation theory [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9]. One of the cornerstones of the theory, the celebrated Diamond Lemma [4], gives an effectively verifiable criterion of uniqueness of normal forms for term rewriting in associative algebras.

In joint work with V. Dotsenko [7], we presented a new way to interpret and prove this result from the viewpoint of homotopical algebra. Our main result states that every multiplicative free resolution of an algebra with monomial relations gives rise to its own Diamond Lemma, so that Bergman's condition of "resolvable ambiguities" becomes the first non-trivial component of the Maurer–Cartan equation in the corresponding tangent complex. Our approach works for many other algebraic structures, such as algebraic operads, highlighting the importance of computing multiplicative resolutions of algebras presented by monomial relations, as it was done in [10].

For those whose intuition comes from homotopical algebra, our work presents a conceptual explanation of useful (but seemingly technical) criteria of "resolvable ambiguities" for uniqueness of normal forms. For those with a background in Gröbner bases or term rewriting, our work offers intuition behind both the Diamond Lemma and its optimisations, as well as precise guidance on how to generalise those for other algebraic structures. Specifically, our work means that computing models of algebras with monomial relations explicitly helps both to state the relevant Diamond Lemmas and to optimise them.

With the aim of bringing the effective methods of term rewriting closer to the powerful methods of homotopical algebra and higher structures, prior knowledge of the techniques involved in our work is not assumed: they will be explained along the way, with an emphasis in providing a working dictionary to go from term rewriting to deformation theory and homotopical algebra, and back.


[1] D. J. Anick. On the homology of associative algebras. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 296(2):641659, 1986.

[2] J. Backelin. La série de Poincaré–Betti d'une algèbre graduée de type fini à une relation est rationnelle. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. A-B, 287(13): A843–A846, 1978.

[3] M. J. Bardzell. Noncommutative Gröbner bases and Hochschild cohomology. In: Symbolic Computation: Solving Equations in Algebra, Geometry, and Engineering (South Hadley, MA, 2000), vol. 286 of Contemp. Math., pp. 227–240. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2001.

[4] G. M. Bergman. The diamond lemma for ring theory. Adv. Math., 29(2):178–218, 1978.

[5] V. Dotsenko, V. Gelinas, P. Tamaroff. Finite generation for Hochschild cohomology of Gorenstein monomial algebras. arXiv:1909.00487.

[6] V. Dotsenko and A. Khoroshkin. Quillen homology for operads via Gröbner bases. Doc. Math., 18:707–747, 2013.

[7] V. Dotsenko and P. Tamaroff. Tangent complexes and the Diamond Lemma. arXiv:2010.14792.

[8] E. S. Golod. Standard bases and homology. In: Algebra – Some Current Trends (Varna, 1986), vol. 1352 of Lecture Notes in Math., pp. 88–95. Springer, Berlin, 1988.

[9] E. L. Green, D. Happel, and D. Zacharia. Projective resolutions over Artin algebras with zero relations. Illinois J. Math., 29(1):180–190, 1985.

[10] P. Tamaroff. Minimal models for monomial algebras. Homology Homotopy Appl., 23(1): 341–366, 2021.

Hiro Lee Tanaka (Texas State University)
Broken lines and Floer theory over spectra

Thursday, February 11th, 17:45-19:00

I will discuss a program, joint with Jacob Lurie, to enrich Lagrangian Floer theory over stable homotopy theory. Success would open new, symplecto-geometric techniques for studying stable homotopy theory. In this talk I will discuss a stack of broken lines and explain how factorizable structures on sheaves on this stack encode the higher homotopical data of A-algebras. If time allows, I will discuss the deformation-theoretic data encoded in natural examples, and explain how this allows one to enrich Floer theory over spectra.


[1] Lurie, Jacob and Tanaka, Hiro Lee, Associative algebras and broken lines, arXiv:1805.09587.

Tashi Walde (Technische Universität München)

Higher Segal spaces via higher excision

Tuesday, February 2nd, 15:30-16:45

Starting from the classical Segal spaces, Dyckerhoff and Kapranov introduced a hierarchy of what they call higher Segal structures. While the first new level (2-Segal spaces) has been well studied in recent years, not much is known about the higher levels and the hierarchy as a whole.

In this talk I explain how this hierarchy can be understood conceptually in close analogy to the manifold calculus of Goodwillie and Weiss. I describe a natural “discrete manifold calculus" on the simplex category and on the cyclic category, for which the polynomial functors are precisely the higher Segal objects. Furthermore, this perspective yields intrinsic categorical characterizations of higher Segal objects in the spirit of higher excision.

Sarah Whitehouse (University of Sheffield)

Model category structures and spectral sequences

Tuesday, February 2nd, 9:30-10:45

Model categories give an abstract setting for homotopy theory, allowing study of different notions of equivalence. I'll give a very brief introduction and review some standard examples, such as the projective model structure on chain complexes. Then I'll discuss various categories with associated functorial spectral sequences. In such settings, one can consider a hierarchy of notions of equivalence, given by morphisms inducing an isomorphism at a fixed stage of the associated spectral sequence. I'll discuss model structures with these weak equivalences for filtered complexes, for bicomplexes and for multicomplexes. This involves joint work with subsets of Joana Cirici, Daniela Egas Santander, Xin Fu, Ai Guan and Muriel Livernet.

Matt Young (Utah State University)
Real categorical representation theory in topology and physics

Tuesday, February 9th, 19:15-20:30

I will give an overview of the theory of Real categorical representations of a finite group, as developed in [1, 2, 3]. In this theory, a Z2-graded finite group acts on a category by autoequivalences or anti-autoequivalences, according to the Z2-grading. There is a natural geometric character theory of such representations which is most naturally formulated in terms of unoriented mapping spaces. In this way, one obtains an unoriented generalization of the 2-character theory of Ganter–Kapranov and a candidate for a Hopkins–Kuhn–Ravenel-type character theory for a conjectural Real equivariant elliptic cohomology theory. Time permitting, I will explain how Real categorical representation theory is related to unoriented Dijkgraaf–Witten theory, a three dimensional topological quantum field theory [4].


[1] D. Rumynin and M. Young. Burnside rings for Real 2-representations: The linear theory. Commun. Contemp. Math., to appear. arXiv:1906.11006.

[2] B. Noohi and M. Young. Twisted loop transgression and higher Jandl gerbes over finite groupoids. arXiv:1910.01422, 2019.

[3] M. Young. Real representation theory of finite categorical groups. Higher Struct., to appear. arXiv:1804.09053.

[4] M. Young. Orientation twisted homotopy field theories and twisted unoriented Dijkgraaf–Witten theory. Commun. Math. Phys., 374(3):1645–1691, 2020.