
Team members

Héctor García de Marina

Running the Swarms Systems Lab. He is a Ramón y Cajal researcher in the Computer Engineering, Automation and Robotics (ICAR), Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Inforamción y las Comunicaciones (CITIC) at University of Granada. He is recipient of the ERC Starting Grant, associate editor of the IEEE Transactions of Robotics, and proud developer of the open-source drone project Paparazzi.

CV Short (October 2023)

Google Scholar , GitHub

Jesús Bautista Villar

He is a Ph.D. student in our lab. His research focuses on robot swarms from the control theory point of view. In addition, he is supporting Paparazzi, the open-source autopilot.

Ángel Hurtado Flores

He is a computer science student focusing on embedded systems. He is doing his bachelor's thesis with us on setting up a swarm of tiny rotorcraft.

José Hinojosa Hidalgo

He is a computer science student focusing on embedded systems. He is doing his bachelor's thesis with us on setting up a relative localization system between robots in a swarm.


Adam Seewald

Ph.D. thesis: Energy-Aware Coverage Planning and Scheduling for Autonomous Aerial Robots

Currently: Postdoc at ETH, Zürich

Antonio Acuaviva Huertos

Bachelor thesis: Control of multi-agent systems and their applications.

Currently: Ph.D. Student at Lancaster, UK.


David Morilla Cabello  (August 2023)

First on the right. Ph.D. Student at that time. He comes from the University of Zaragoza. His research is on collaborative perception.

Jin Chen (October 2023)

First on the left. Ph.D. Student at that time. He comes from the University of Groningen. His research is on formation control algorithms.