20th anniversary 

Messages from past participants

In no particular order 

Gean Grossman.pdf

Congratulations to Jota Ishikawa, Taiji Furusawa and their colleagues at Hitotsubashi and Gakushuin Universities on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin international trade conference.  I extend my personal thanks to the organizers as well, having attended six times (03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 19) including one stay of three months and one of two months.  I benefited from interacting with the broad range of scholars from around the world, and also greatly enjoyed learning about the geography, cuisine, and culture of Japan during our after-conference field trips.  I hope that the conference can continue for many years, bring together trade economists from East Asia, North America, Europe, and other far-flung places leading to a productive exchange of views and perspectives. 


James Markusen

Distinguished Professor

University of Colorado at Boulder

I have fond memories of my participation in the Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin Conference on International Trade & FDI. It features an excellent line-up of speakers and a fantastic social program - one of my favorite conferences in the world.


Ralph Ossa

Chief Economist

Director, Economic Research and Statistics Division

World Trade Organization


Department of Economics

University of Zurich

The quality of the conference was very high as there were many outstanding researchers attending it. The social activities were enjoyable as well. I fully enjoyed my experience there. It was productive and fun. Happy anniversary!

Edwin L.-C. LAI

Director, Center for Economic Development

Professor, Division of Public Policy,

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 

This is a great conference series hosted by our Japanese friends. I was fortunate to be invited to a few of this conference series and met many peers of the trade field. Thank you so much!

QIU Dongxiao Larry
Sydney SW Leong Chair Professor of Economics

Department of Economics
Lingnan University

Congratulations on the 20th Anniversary of this excellent conference: A great opportunity to interact with the best trade economists in Japan and to visit their beautiful country. Thanks for organizing!


Esteban Rossi-Hansberg

Glen A. Lloyd Distinguished Service Professor

Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics

University of Chicago

Best wishes to everyone at the Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin conference. I wish I was there with you enjoying the terrific program and delicious Japanese cuisine!


Stephen J. Redding

Harold T. Shapiro*64 Professor in Economics

Department of Economics and Princeton School of Public and International Affairs Princeton University

The Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin Conference on International Trade & FDI is the most memorable conference I have ever attended. The hosts' warm hospitality, the high quality of the papers and the time spent with colleagues exploring and learning about Japan make this a special event that everyone who can should absolutely attend at least once!


Matilde Bombardini

Associate Professor

Haas School of Business

University of California Berkeley

Congratulations on the 20 th  anniversary of the H-G Conference!  I have very fond memories of my attendance.  The conference and accompanying tours were beautifully organized.  I will never forget my visit to Obuse, the chestnut capital of Japan.


James Rauch

Professor of Economics

Department of Economics

University of California, San Diego

Congratulations on the 20th anniversary of the Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin Conference on International Trade & FDI.  I have fond memories of attending this conference.  Many interesting speakers and great food!


Paul S. Segerstrom

Tore Browaldh Professor of International Economics

Stockholm School of Economics

I participated in this conference few times. It was a very pleasant experience every time I attended the conference. I find it one of the best conference on International Economics. 


Arijit Mukherjee

Professor of Industrial Economics

 Industrial Economics Department

Nottingham University Business School

University of Nottingham

It's been a privilege to participate in the Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin Conference on International Trade & FDI. The welcome we get when we arrive in Japan is always outstanding. Not only do we get to participate in a world-class workshop with our Japanese colleagues, we also get to experience Japan's culture as part of the conference's excellent organisation. It's really a perfect conference.


Pierre-Louis Vézina

Associate Professor in Economics 



The Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin Conference on International Trade & FDI was one of the nicest and most productive such meetings that I ever attended. Not only was the academic program excellent, but the entire programme was wonderful. Next to meeting some of the top researchers in my field, I learnt a lot about Japan in a very short time.


Gabriel Felbermayr

Director of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)

I thoroughly enjoyed the conference—a delightful experience that seamlessly combined fruitful intellectual exchanges with the unique culture and camaraderie of local Japanese colleagues.

Best wishes for the continuing success of the conference. 


Daniel Yi Xu

Professor of Economics

Duke University

Congratulations on the 20th anniversary of the Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin conference. The conference provides an ideal forum for researchers to come together and discuss the latest advances in the study of international trade. I highly recommend the conference to anyone who has the chance to attend.

Thomas Sampson

Associate Professor

Department of Economics

London School of Economics

The Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin Conference on International Trade & FDI is one of the few highest-quality conferences in trade in the region. I am happy to be part of it. I learned a great deal by listening to the talks and the interactions with top-notched scholars in international trade (and of course FDI), but what impressed me the most is the professionalism of the conference, the hospitality, and the fun atmosphere. It is just an enjoyable and unforgettable experience, particularly fruitful for a young scholar.

Wen-Tai Hsu
Research Fellow

Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica

I'm "class of 2007" of the Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin Conference on International Trade & FDI. After 16 years I still remember with great fondness (and some nostalgia) the very colegial and academically fruitful environment. At least as important were the personal contacts I made those days, during and after the conference. Cooking (actually, observing and eating) the softest beef of the planet at Taiji's place, visiting the tuna auction, the trip to  Nikko -- all unforgettable experiences that helped the participants bond at a level that regular academic events simply can't. All that was made possible by the incredibly careful and warm organization, at that time led by Jota and Taiji. I don't remember being treated that well in any other conference. It was my first trip to Asia. It left a very positive mark, changing my (by then very poor) understanding of Japanese (and Asian) culture.

Congratulations for the 20 years of success and thank you for the continuous effort. I hope the conference keeps going on this stront for the next 20 years!


Emanuel Ornelas


Sao Paulo School of Economics-FGV

Congratulations and thank you to all the past and present organizers of the Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin Conference on International Trade & FDI. To keep a conference event going for twenty years is no small feat. This has been a great event for bringing together trade economists from around the world to Tokyo to meet, interact, and share our research. Congratulations and best wishes for many more years of productive conferences!


Davin Chor

Associate Professor and Globalization Chair

Tuck School of Business

Dartmouth College

I was lucky to attend this conference in 2019 and it was one of the most memorable conferences I have ever attended (also, at the time, the last conference for a while). I am very grateful for the organizers' hospitality and the excellent set of papers they had put together. I hope that I'll get to come back!


David Hémous

UBS Foundation Associate Professor of Economics of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Department of Economics

University of Zurich

This is a fantastic conference in international trade with a long tradition. It brings together a wonderful community of scholars working on a number of different aspects of the international economy, and the possibility of seeing Japan is also so rare and valuable. I had a wonderful time.  


Chenzi Xu

Assistant Professor of Finance

Graduate School of Business

Stanford University

Dear Organizers, Speakers and Participants,


Warm greetings to all! As we gather to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin Conference on International Trade and FDI, I am honored to reflect on the impact this event has had on my journey as a young researcher in the field.


From the first time I attended as an eager graduate student to the present day as a budding researcher, this conference has been a cornerstone of my academic and professional growth. This conference has not only allowed me to present my research but has also exposed me to a wealth of diverse perspectives, cutting-edge studies, and invaluable mentorship.


Presenting my work at this conference was a pivotal moment in my career. The constructive feedback and discussions that followed have significantly shaped the trajectory of my research. It's heartening to witness how the conference has evolved over the years, becoming a hub for not only distinguished professors but also young researchers like myself to connect, collaborate, and contribute to the discourse on international trade and FDI.


I want to express my sincere appreciation to Professor Jota Ishikawa and other organizers who have made this conference a vibrant and supportive community. Your commitment to fostering an environment of intellectual exchange and collaboration has been instrumental in my development as a young researcher.


Here's to 20 years of groundbreaking research and insightful discussions at the Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin Conference on International Trade and FDI. I look forward to many more years of contributing to and benefiting from this enriching academic community.

Haitao Cheng

post-doctoral fellow

Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study (HIAS) 

Hitotsubashi University 

Dear Jota,

Congratulations for this anniversary!

I had the pleasure of contributing to three editions of this conference.

Every time I very much enjoyed my participation and my visit to Japan.

Many thanks to you and to Tajii for organizing these conferences and all the best for many more editions.


Nicolas Schmitt




Now that the Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin Conference on International Trade & FDI has turned twenty, it is the right time to look back and celebrate its achievements as an important international event that has succeeded in creating enduring and fruitful scientific interactions across continents and generations of scholars.


Gianmarco Ottaviano

Professor of Economics

Department of Economics

Achille and Giulia Boroli Chair in European Studies

Bocconi University

Hello Jota and all, I was part of the 2018 group and had a blast at the Hitotsubashi conference. Not only I had the pleasure to interact with various researchers from Japan, but the trip after the conference was great fun. We visited the Toyota factory as well as a medieval castle in the outskirts of Nagoya. We also had the chance to take a bullet train and go to an Onsen bath. Without a doubt, my most memorable conference experience so far. Thank you so much for organizing such a wonderful conference. I would absolutely love to be back soon! Happy 20th anniversary and keep up the good work!
With all my best wishes,

Rafael Dix-Carneiro

Associate Professor of Economics 

Duke University

Congratulations on two decades of stellar conferences!


Donald Davis

Ragnar NurkseProfessor of Economics

Columbia University

Congratulations for the 20th anniversary of your great conference! I fondly remember my visit in 2015, both for the conference, the city, the food, and of course the tour of the hot springs. I hope to return to Japan soon, and I look forward to meeting you at other conferences in the region.


John Romalis

Professor John Romalis

Head of Department of Economics

Macquarie Business School 

Macquarie University

Congratulations on the 20th anniversary of the  Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin Conference on International Trade & FDI. I think it is no exaggeration to say that it is the most sought after invitation on the International Trade conference circuit. Whether that is because of the high quality of the presentations, the warm hospitality of the hosts, or the groundbreaking  ideas that are formed in the onsen I am not sure. I hope the institution  grows from strength to strength over the next 20 years.


David Atkin

MIT Department of Economics

I would like to express my warmest congratulations on the 20th anniversary of the Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin Conference on International Trade & FDI.


The Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin Conference on International Trade & FDI has created a vibrant intellectual community that has fostered innovative research ideas and insightful discussions. It was my privilege to participate and present my research at the conference in 2021.


I look forward to the continued success of the conference and the exciting developments that the future holds.


Yusuke Kuroishi

Assistant Professor

Department of Economics

Hitotsubashi University

Congratulations to the organizers of the Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin Conference on International Trade & FDI for its 20th anniversary! You have managed to bring top researchers in the field from all over the globe. It now has the reputation of being one of the prime academic conferences in Japan, not just in international trade but across all fields in economics. I have been fortunate enough to participate this annual conference series almost every year since 2009. It has become the conference that I cannot miss!  I hope this will continue for another twenty years or more!


Kiminori Matsuyama

Professor of Economics

Department of Economics

Northwestern University

I would like to congratulate you on your 20th Anniversary meeting! It is a great accomplishment. I have attended many of the earlier conferences and found them to be outstanding meetings. The research was excellent and the conference was always very well organized.
Congratulations on 20 great years and I hope there are many more years to come.


Raymond Riezman

Visiting Professor

Department of Economics and Business Economics

Aarhus University

Visiting Professor

University of California, Santa Barbara

The Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin Conference on International Trade & FDI is a great opportunity to learn about cutting-edge research and interact with bright scholars. But what makes it truly special is the wonderful atmosphere the organizers create, their warm hospitality,  and the genuine joy conference participants bring. The ryokan trip I joined is one of the most memorable experiences I have ever had, discovering Japan's beauty and culture and developing deep personal bonds with colleagues. Congratulations on the first 20 and best wishes for the next 20!


Kalina Manova

Professor of Economics

University College London

It has been a great privilege for me to have been able to be a participant at the Hitotsubashi- Gakushuin Conference on International Trade & FDI in the past. These have been excellent conferences. I have particular fond memories of the 2004 conference, held at Hitotsubashi University. Not only was the conference extremely well organized and run, but all participants were made very welcome. The conference attracted very high calibre of international trade economists, many of whose papers were subsequently published in top journals. Moreover, the conference was particularly productive, with excellent paper presentations and discussions. I benefited enormously from my participation and interactions.

It is quite an achievement to have reached the 20-year mark. I extend my congratulations to the conference organizers over this period and trust that the conference will continue to flourish. Happy anniversary for the twentieth year!
Alan Woodland
Scientia Professor, School of Economics
Australian School of Business
The University of New South Wales, NSW, Australia

Congratulations on the 20th anniversary of this wonderful conference.

I have the fondest memory of participating at the conference in 2008. Jota and Taiji have been such great organizers of a strong academic line-up and also wonderful hosts. I often recall the trip they organized to Nagano with the speakers from overseas. I hope you continue this event for many years to come.

In gratitude, Daniel Bernhofen.


Daniel Bernhofen

Professor of International Economics
School of International Service
American University

I want to express my heartfelt thanks to Jota, Taiji, Echii, and the rest of the organizers for providing such an outstanding platform over the past twenty years.  It has allowed so many of us to engage in insightful exchanges and form lasting connections.  I have so many fond memories from my visit and still think about the wonderful time I had with the hosts and other guests.  Thank you again for establishing such a valuable community!


Maggie Chen

Professor of economics and international affairs

George Washington University

Professor Cheng Chen

Congratulations on the 20th. anniversary of the Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin international trade and FDI conference. I presented in the conference in 2007 (as a graduate student of Hitotsubashi), 2013 (as a job market candidate from Princeton) and 2021 (as an assistant professor at Clemson). Many thanks for providing me such great opportunities to interact with top trade economists in the world. I hope to continue to present in the conference when I become an associate professor and professor. I am becoming older (and hopefully doing better research) along with the aging of the Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin conference! 


I want to share some personal connections with this conference. I first attended the conference (as a student helper) in 2006, and both Pol Antras and Marc Melitz came to present. Their presentations and research greatly motivated me to do research on trade, organization and heterogenous firms. I continue this research agenda even until now (almost ten years after my graduation from Princeton). I still remember Pol shared his passion for doing research on trade and organization with me (who was a master student at that time) during the conference. That led to my ever-lasting passion for doing research in this area. 


The Hitotsubashi conference also made me realize the importance of doing presentations in our profession. This happened when one of my coauthors listened to my presentation in Zoom in 2021. Thanks to the help of my coauthor, now I get used to practicing every presentation at least five times before doing the actual one. As somebody said (I forget the name), there are two crucial parts of doing good research. The first one is to write good papers and the second one is to communicate your research well with friends and colleagues. Yes. The Hitotsubashi conference taught me that the two parts are of equal importance. 


Hope to see many old and new faces in the (would-be) 25th. anniversary of the Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin international trade and FDI conference.


Cheng Chen

Assistant Professor of Economics

College of Business, Clemson University