Currently I am Visiting Professor at the Research Center for Firms and Industry Dynamics (FIND) in the Department of Economics and Business Economics at Aarhus University and Visiting Professor at University of California, Santa Barbara. In 2015 I retired from the University of Iowa as the C. Woody Thompson Research Professor Emeritus of Economics. I am founder and Director of the Midwest International Economics Group. My research focuses on trade protection and preferential trading agreements, trade and technology, outsourcing, dynamic gains from trade, political economy, voting theory, and experimental economics. My Ph.D. is from the Department of Economics at the University of Minnesota and I did my undergraduate work at Washington University in St. Louis. I am an External Research Fellow at GEP, Nottingham and Research Fellow at the Center for Economic Studies - Institute for Economic Research (CES-ifo), Munich.
Currently I am Visiting Professor at the Research Center for Firms and Industry Dynamics (FIND) in the Department of Economics and Business Economics at Aarhus University and Visiting Professor at University of California, Santa Barbara. In 2015 I retired from the University of Iowa as the C. Woody Thompson Research Professor Emeritus of Economics. I am founder and Director of the Midwest International Economics Group. My research focuses on trade protection and preferential trading agreements, trade and technology, outsourcing, dynamic gains from trade, political economy, voting theory, and experimental economics. My Ph.D. is from the Department of Economics at the University of Minnesota and I did my undergraduate work at Washington University in St. Louis. I am an External Research Fellow at GEP, Nottingham and Research Fellow at the Center for Economic Studies - Institute for Economic Research (CES-ifo), Munich.