To refine my skills in programming, logic, and problem solving, I do coding exercises for fun. I usually solve problems on these four websites - Codewars, Leetcode, Hackerrank, and StackLeague.

My mission is to answer every problem to the best of my ability and to expose myself to various data structure questions and math problems.

My long-term goal is to strengthen my mental capacity to tackle difficult problems and to widen my technique while not letting go of the fundamentals.


coding platforms


Rank: 5 kyu
Last Solved Problem: Organize a Round-Robin Tournament
Link to Problem Above: Round Robin
Link: Codewars_Profile 

Hackerrank (Problem Solving)

Badge: 3 stars
Last Solved Problem: Weighted Uniform Strings
Link to Problem Above: Weighted Uniform Strings
Link: Hackerrank_Profile 

Hackerrank (SQL)

Badge: 3 stars
Last Solved Problem: Average Population of each Continent
Link to Problem Above: Average Population
Link: Hackerrank_Profile 


Problem Solved:  60
Last Solved Problem: Immediate Delivery II
Link to Problem Above: Immediate Delivery II
Link: Leetcode_Profile 


Rank: Bronze (133rd)