"...and I - i took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

-The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost

Formerly a data scientist, I now found myself in the data engineering field. Despite being in that role, I didn't let go of my fondness towards data science. Since those two roles go hand in hand, I strive to master the skills required to be able to handle challenging inputs and extraordinary data. 

My mission is to upscale my talent and skills to international level - and my vision is to make an impact by producing excellent and quality output efficiently. 

A passion for programming and learning, an unparalleled curiosity, resilience, and adaptability are the traits that led me where I am now.


Work experience

Date: July 2018  - September 2021

Company: DXC Technology

Role: Junior Data Scientist

Brief Description: Joined as a fresh graduate, this is where I picked up all my initial skills as a data developer. This is where I first used Python, SQL, Power BI, etc. I worked on multiple projects at once and just exposed myself to anything.

Skills Acquired / Tools Used:

Date: September 2021  - March 2022

Company: Novare Technologies

Role: Senior Data Scientist Lead

Brief Description: A challenging role where I did tasks more on the business side instead of the technical side. This is also the first time I handled projects where I need to delegate tasks to people and organize meetings/standups.

Skills Acquired / Tools Used:

Date: May 2022 - Current

Company: Arch Global Services Inc.

Role: Junior Data Engineer

Brief Description: Switched role to data engineer to further widen my scope in the data field. Almost similar key skills, but follows a different discipline. This is where I learned the concepts of data engineering.

Skills Acquired / Tools Used:


2014 - 2018

BS Computer Science - University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines



Part-time experience

Duration: 1 year

Title: Social Media Evaluator

Brief Description: Rates real-life contents/posts that are shown in social media.