Frequently Asked Questions

What is G.S.R.T.C App ?

GSRTC application is designed for GSRTC customers, who frequently use Gujarat state transport for travelling.This application will help you to find out schedule of different buses and other information.This application provides great user interface for GSRTC website. GSRTC app is one stop shop for the people of Gujarat who use the GSRTC buses for travelling.Now, get the bus time table, fares and other information regarding GSRTC using this app.

What are the advantages using GSRTC App?

GSRTC is the only Govt. State Transport undertaking corporation in Gujarat. GSRTC offers variety of services. There are several advantages with GSRTC, such as:

-you can find the buses

-you can choose your seat

-you can see the boarding points,timing and bus type

How can i search buses ?

If you have find buses, running from your start destination to your end destination that you want to click bus search option and then search the start destination and end destination point with the journey date.

Is there any contact no. for any queries related buses or depots ?

Yes, there is all depots contact no. and manager contact no. in this application, you can check this in bus inquiry option. And also has established a helpdesk with (24 X 7) tall free no. 1800 233 666666.

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