My Metaphor for Literature 

 A Metaphor is a figure of speech that, for rhetorical effect, directly refers to one thing by mentioning another. It may provide clarity or identify hidden similarities between two different ideas. Metaphors are usually meant to create a likeness or an analogy. Metaphors are often compared with other types of figurative language, such as hyperbole, antithesis and simile. Metaphors help to make the message more engaging as well as memorable. 

 My Metaphor for Literature is Lantern 

  Through my Journey of Academic years, I have come to view literature metaphorically as Lantern that bring light. Fundamentally also, the lantern provides light. Light, in its context helps lead the way forward, towards the future and pushes aside the surrounding darkness. where long path before us is useless without the light. Lantern show us the way. It is the spark of life that lights the way. Just as a lantern casts light, in a similar way author's words as well as ideas shedding lights upon the human experiences. The book itself is a lantern and illuminating reader's path through written word. There is similarities between lantern and literature because as lantern guides us through darkness, literature guides the reader.  

 Metaphorically Literature can be lantern as it illuminates the conditions of human sufferings and plain and provides light on diverse human experiences. As Carrying a Lantern will always provides light and shows clear path, Reading literature will also do the same thing in a more effective way. Holding a lantern in a hand has its own benefits just like it same applies to literature. once as a Reader we personally engages with the literature, it has so many benefits like - knowledge, understanding and shedding light on the world that is around. 

A lantern serves as a guide, helping to navigate when the future path is unknown. Literature similarly acts as a guiding light and providing the directions to readers. As with the help of lantern, one can easily finds the way. Through Literature it helps to readers to overcome the challenges in life and finds their own ways. The flame of lantern reflects light and literature also reflects upon the human conditions. The readers becomes the one that holding the metaphorical lantern and takes author's ideas and words into the light. 

Literature is very deep. It is like holding a lantern in your hand and putting it in one corner - the light will only illuminate that particular corner, while the other corners remain in darkness. As a reader, if we analyze literature from only one perspective, it limits our knowledge and understanding.The lantern illuminates the light and pushes away the darkness. Literature is also doing the same thing - it illuminates and sharpens the thoughts and perspectives of people.