How Literature shaped me?

   It is very important to know oneself. We all study, and when someone asks us what we are studying, we can easily answer that question. However, if the question is about what exactly we learn and what our learning outcomes are, can we answer that as easily as the first question? It can be addressed in two ways - personal outcomes and general outcomes. But that is possible only when we know ourselves; without self-knowledge, it won't be possible. Here, shaping refers to understanding. How literature helps us in knowing and understanding ourselves in a better way can be considered the ultimate outcome of literature. During my higher education studies, I decided to pursue arts with English as my principal subject. Instead of mathematics and science subjects, I was more interested in language-related subjects since childhood. 

I have not been a prolific reader. Even during my Bachelor's studies at Shamaldas Arts College, I did not read as much as I should have as a literature student. My mother, on the other hand, enjoys reading immensely. I still remember those days when my mother used to encourage my sister and me to develop the habit of reading. After joining the Department, I began exploring the library and started reading books. Before joining the Department, my thoughts and perceptions were very limited. However, literature has shaped me in a way that has broadened my thoughts and perspectives.

Literature has not only shaped my thinking, but also helped me develop more empathy towards others. Reading Arundhati Roy's novel 'The Ministry of Utmost Happiness' helped me understand the problems of other people and feel for their suffering. Sometimes I used to think my own problems were very big, but literature has helped sharpen my thoughts and made me better understand the pain of others in the world, and how to have more sympathy for them.

Literature has the power to influence many people. It can shape people's thoughts and inspire them in different ways. From my bachelor's to my master's studies, I have read the works of many great authors. In my bachelor's, the first play I studied was Arthur Miller's "All My Sons". It helped shape me to accept my mistakes and take responsibility for my own life, as reflected in Miller's quote 

"If I have to be alone I want to be by myself."

Literature has also taught me to think critically. After studying the works of great authors, I learned to question things, which I see as the best learning outcome. Literature provided me a lens to evaluate things more deeply and see the connections between different ideas. Before my master's, I couldn't fully participate in conversations about books and authors, but now literature has shaped me in a way that I can engage in those discussions and contribute what I've learned.

 Literature has become a source of inspiration for me, and will always remain an important learning resource. It has profoundly shaped my thinking and helped me develop greater empathy and critical thinking skills. As today my Master's Journey comes to an end that I truly believe that Literature has a power to transform people's thoughts and inspires many people. Through the written word, authors can challenge existing beliefs,  and spark meaningful discussions. At the same time Literature also has the power to inspire activism and social Justice. It becomes very much evident after reading the works of many authors, Specially Arundhati Roy. 

To Conclude, World of Literature shaped my personal growth and understanding of the human experience. Engaging with literature can be a deeply fulfilling as well as enriching experience. It develops a love for the written words. 



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